Here we talk about how to deal with death.
Death is one of the most painful truths of life. People have their own ways of coping up with this fact. However, many people are not able to deal with it easily. People are swept by many emotions like anger, shock and remorse when the death of their loved one happens.
The best way to cope up with the loss of a loved one is to find some caring people. You should look for friends who can empathize with your situation. They can make you understand that such a death was not your fault and life should continue normally after it. One can also join support groups, which are excellent ways through which one can share his/her grief. Also, make sure that you stay in regular touch with your doctor. Monitor your eating activities on your own so that a death does not have an adverse impact on your life. Some people also resort to consumption of alcohol to cope up with the sadness. However, this is not healthy. One should also delay making major decisions in life during this time.
Understand that this is not the right time to take such life altering decisions like remarriage, a location transfer or increasing the family. Understand that months or years can elapse before one is able to adjust to this loss. You can also get some professional help from a counselor to make yourself cope up with the loss. Getting such assistance is not a sign of frailty. Each kind of death has its own negative response from a person. After the death of a beloved child, a person feels wronged. He or she also experiences a loss, as dreams are unfulfilled. Parents are quite likely to feel responsible for the death of their progeny. A spouse's death also brings out such adverse reactions. It can also lead to severe financial crisis if the deceased was the only source of income. The reaction is worse if the death of the spouse happens at an old age. It is not easy to overcome the grief as the two have spent a large part of the life together. Old people feel similar reactions when they experience the death of a close pal. People also have the same reaction when they see someone committing a suicide in the family. This is accompanied by a huge feeling of guilt as the remnants consider themselves liable. Such reactions can only be eliminated through professional help.
If someone close to you has encountered a loss, ensure that he/she is motivated enough to express his/her feeling. You should genuinely express your emotions because saying fake dialogues cannot soothe a frustrated person. One who is trying to tackle such a loss also does not feel interested in normal activities like cooking, baby-sitting and doing household chores. Therefore, you should offer your help. Often the mood of such a person also becomes irritable due to his sorrow. Therefore, it is your job to adjust to the downslide of moods.
Children find it tougher to cope up with the inhuming death of someone close to them especially their parents. They lose their own sense of security and strive for survival. Therefore, it is the job of their guardians to help them understand the truth without reacting harshly to it. Children feel sadder because they cannot express their sorrow verbally.
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