Daycare and Support Assistance For Single Mothers
Daycare assistance for single mothers is incredibly important for those who work and need someone to look after their children. This article will provide you with a good idea of what’s available.
When moms are on their own,

they have countless responsibilities, one of which is having to hold a full time job in order to support themselves and their children. This produces the additional expense of having to find someone to watch the children while they are at work. If this is the same problem you are suffering from, there are organizations which will provide daycare assistance for single mothers. This article will cover a few of the many options you have available. So, what is the first place you should turn to when you are looking for single mother assistance? There are certain parenting grants available that will provide free or low-cost daycare services to families with extremely low incomes, which single mom families often are. One of the better known examples of this type of program is known as Head Start. This program is sponsored by the government and provides its services to parents with children of the preschool and kindergarten age. In order to apply for this program, simply speak with your social worker if you have one. If not, simply contact the Department of Health and Human Services office in your county. They will have a short form for you to fill out and will probably require a meeting as well. As is the case with most financial assistance for single mothers programs, your eligibility is determined largely based on your income. If you apply for a single mother assistance program such as Head Start, but are turned down due to your income, you still may have some options left. Many large churches have daycare programs, so if you have one in your area it may be worth a call. You may want to contact local daycare centers in your area as well and ask them if they can provide some assistance for single mothers. They may be willing to reduce their fees if they are aware of your situation. Religious schools and daycare centers are usually willing to provide you with some help as well.When applying for financial assistance for single mothers, you will usually be required to fill out a form, such as the FAFSA so they can determine just how much you make. They may ask for paycheck stubs or tax returns in order to back up the claims that you make on these forms. Daycare can be expensive, so most institutions you contact for help will usually be understanding and will do their best to help out. Hopefully this article has provided you with a few ideas to turn to when it comes to finding daycare assistance for single mothers. Just keep in mind that it can sometimes take a little effort to find someone willing to help out, so don’t give up if you can’t find help right away.