Fashion savvy mums know that designer baby bags provide everything their clunky counterparts have. The difference is these diaper bags do it with style.
Fashion savvy mums know that designer baby bags provide everything their clunky counterparts have. The difference is these diaper bags do it with style. Mums are busy people. They don’t have time to constantly switch between traditional nappy bags and every day purses. They also can’t fool with high fashion totes that don’t have room for diapers. Fortunately, designers have incorporated high fashion looks with the utility of old fashion diaper bags. Today a woman doesn’t have to give up being stylish until her babies are out of diapers. In fact, some of the bags look so good, women continue to use them as handbags when diaper days are over.
The materials used to make designer baby bags immediately set them apart from traditional diaper carryalls. Many standard nappy bags are made from nylon or other inexpensive fabrics. Fashionable diaper bags use fabrics found in upscale handbags. Bags intended for sporty occasions often make use of heavy duty canvas. Casual bags may be constructed from products that reproduce the look and feel of leather. Some high fashion diaper bags sport real leather. No matter what material has been used, most of the bags are stain resistant. Many can be wiped clean with a damp cloth. The insides of the bags contain high quality fabrics, too. Pockets and linings may be waterproof. Some are insulated to keep baby bottles cool.
Colour is another way designer baby bags differ from less fashionable diaper carryalls. In the past, bags for storing diapers were often screamingly bright or deadly dull. They often carried cutesy, childish designs. Today’s fashion forward nappy bags come in trendy colours that complement modern outfits. Bags for more formal occasions replicate the colours of classic evening handbags. The hardware on these bags also shows their designer origins. Closures are stylish and well made. Many bags have gold or silver accents. Silent zippers flow along the entire length of the bag. All have the finished look of a true handbag.
Mums no longer have to choose between being stylish and being fully prepared to change a diaper on the run. These days they can carry designer baby bags that look as fashionable as any woman’s handbag. They don’t have to sacrifice any of the conveniences diaper bags offer to carry good looking nappy bags. Many of the fashionable bags actually offer far more utility than less fashionable bags. So, if you’ve been carrying a clunky diaper bag, now may be the time to make the move to fashion.
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