Whether you have known your prospective roommate since kindergarten, or whether you just met, it is important to set aside some time for an in-depth conversation to discuss your expectations. You should meet in person, perhaps over a cup of coffee. Campus is a great neutral ground. A telephone call just won't do for something as important as this.
Don't skip any of the following points! Thoroughly explore how each of you feels about the other's comments. If you are not clear about something, ask! Better now than after you sign a lease. Be tactful-say, "I have never shared a bedroom and doing so now could be a hassle," instead of, "You couldn't pay me to share a room with someone." But, above all, be honest! If either of you paints too rosy a picture, you are in for some nasty surprises later on. If you live with someone long enough, your true feelings will eventually come out.
You may want to jot down a list of points to consider, such as:
Who Are You?
Discuss your background, your family, home, previous school, activities before you came to CSUSM, your weakness for Haagen Daz Rum Raisin ice cream, everything that makes you-you.
What Are Your Needs?
Frankly discuss any and all of the following sticky subjects.
Likes And Dislikes
Regarding smoking, drugs, drinking, pets, music, etc.
Overnight Guests
Boyfriend, girlfriend, family, friends. (This is a biggie! Be honest about your feelings, many a roommate relationship has run into big trouble over this one.)
Study Habits
When, Where, and How often.
Kitchen Arrangements
Will you share food costs? What are your nutritional needs? Who will do the dishes? How often? Does three-month-old spaghetti in the refrigerator make you crazy?
Habits How neat and tidy are you really?
Sleeping Needs
What hours? How much? Windows open?
How much do you want or need? Private bath? Private bedroom? Private study space?
Social Habits
Are you dating? Do you like to party? When is entertaining friends OK and not OK?
Spare Time
How do you like to spend it? Watch TV? Listen to jazz? Raise white mice for experiments? Read?
How Do You Express Your Emotions?
Are you moody? What are you like when you are down and out? What are you like when things are good? Are you shy or extroverted? Are you a good listener? When you are angry do you fight, sulk, or talk it out? What are your pet peeves?
Where Do You Want To Live?
Are you looking for a house or an apartment? Do you have your heart set on living in a particular area? Is an access-controlled building a top priority?
What Is Your Budget?
How much can you afford to pay for rent and utilities? What kind of "luxuries" (if any) do you require? Cable TV? Telephone? Air Conditioner?
Moving Your Pet
Getting through the emotional stress of moving is difficult enough for adults and children. But what about pets, a species with whom we can't even level? Pet owners are often baffled by their pets' behavior during and after a move. Sometimes it's a personality change, a regression in housebreaking habits or a sudden unexplained illness. Even if you don't notice something that dramatic, there's no question that your faithful companion is feeling stress. How do you move your pet and keep the strain to an absolute minimum -- both to yourself and your beloved pet?Is That Apartment Hazardous to Your Health?
When you sign a lease committing yourself to a unit in an apartment complex or building, you're agreeing to live in close quarters with strangers. You're also making the assumption that your building will be properly managed and maintained. That includes such factors as air quality and adequate pest control. As a tenant, you have rights, of course, but some of the most serious threats to your health -- such as carbon monoxide -- are ones you can't even see or smell.Real Roommate Ads-Published In Newspapers
* Studio is located in an ... area of New York. Great for one person or a very close couple.* Got a cool bobcat as a house pet.* Password - ... I am leaving behind a bunch of