Trick-or-Treating can be very dangerous for small kids. There are many alternatives that are available to toddlers during this holiday that you should look for.
Many parents are concerned about taking their toddlers trick-or treating. This tradition is fun and exciting,

but in dimly lit side streets, it can be very dangerous for such small kids. There are many alternatives that are available to toddlers during this holiday that you should look for, especially if trick-or-treating is not on your schedule.
Look for local Halloween/Fall festivals.
a. Believe it or not, you can find many of these at your local supermarket! Where I live, 2 of the 3 major supermarkets have Halloween activities, which include giving out candy, bounce houses, pumpkin decorating and much more!
b. Check around at local churches. Where I live, a church nearby offers something called "trunk-or-treat". Several parishioners park their cars in the parking lot and have their trunks decorated in Halloween themes. They give out candy, have games set up for the kids to play, and even do face painting. They also offer food like popcorn, caramel apples and hot dogs! What a great way to celebrate Halloween with your youngest children! They are safe in an enclosed area with many friendly faces all around.
Plan your own Halloween party.
a. Create a large area of games. Bobbing for apples, pin the tail on the black cat, and "Skeleton Says" (instead of Simon Says) are just a few ideas you could use.
b. Create a large area of crafts. Making a ghost out of tissues, a sucker, a small piece of yarn and permanent markers are always a hit. You can also do pumpkin decorating with puffy stickers and permanent markers. You can even plan on making spiders out of big pom poms, black pipe cleaners and googley eyes.
Spread cheer this Halloween instead of trick-or-treating.
a. Organize a visit to a children's hospital where your child and other children can pass out treats to sick kids instead of receiving all the goodies.
b. Organize a visit to a nursing home or assisted living facility. Even a retirement community. Your kids will be exposed to a new generation and you will be spreading joy to the older adults.
Only "trick-or-treat" at family and close friends. This may require more driving, but will be safe and a fun event for your toddler.
These are only a few ways your can celebrate Halloween with your toddler this year. Find out what your child enjoys and turn that into a yearly tradition until they are old enough to trick-or-treat.