Enjoy Trick-Or-Treating With These 5 Easy To Remember Halloween Safety Tips
Here are some common sense safety tips to keep you and your children safe this coming Halloween.
When it comes to Halloween,

most kids think of the fun, the candy and the dressing up. What they don't think about is the dark and the danger that can be a part of Halloween night. Here are some common sense safety tips to keep you and your children safe this coming Halloween:
Always carry a flashlight! -- This is especially important if you are going trick-or-treating in an area without streetlights. Uneven pavement along the side of the road, holes in the turf along the edge of the street, and any kind of debris in your walking path can cause a serious fall. Not only will a flashlight help you find your way, but it will alert drivers of your location like a beacon.
Wear reflective tape! -- It may not be the most stylish, but reflective tape is one of the best and easiest ways to make you noticeable to drivers. You can get it in several different colors, so you can blend it in with your clothing or costume as best you can. You can place it around the entire outline of your trick-or-treat bag, as well, for that extra added visibility.
Make sure to stay in a group! -- Certainly don't send your children out by themselves, but also plan on going in a group with other parents and their kids. The larger the group, the more unlikely it will be that you find yourself and your kids in trouble.
Visit homes of people you know! -- Although this may mean a trip in the car instead of walking this Halloween, it is safer to stick with those people you know and trust when accepting candy. Most people are friendly and trustworthy, but if you don't know them you don't know that for sure. It is best to know, especially if your kids will be eating what is given to them.
Look for organized gatherings -- When you want to keep your kids safe and within a confined area, look for organized gatherings celebrating Halloween instead of going out. You won't have to worry about cars, you won't have to worry about bullies, and you really won't have to worry about the candy and goodies your child is getting.
These are just a few of the ways you can keep your children safe this Halloween. Contact your local police department or on safety websites for a more complete list that you and your children can follow.