Eight Tips-Saving Your Marriage
There are many tips that you can use in saving your marriage. The most important one of all is to know that you must always work on your relationship or it eventually falls apart. Marriage is a work in progress and needs your constant attention if it is to thrive.
Are you saving your marriage when it’s in trouble? You need to identify the source of difficulties and then tackle them. Working on your issues is a better choice than making emotional rush decisions that could cause both of you a lot of embarrassment and eventually hurt your family.
Eight Tips of Saving Your Marriage
1. Keep your emotions under control to the best of your ability. Don't suffocate your partner with your desperation and tension. This only drives him away. Stay level headed so that you're able to rationally deal with problems.
2. Don’t beg and belittle yourself in the eyes of your partner. You may indeed feel desperate and want nothing more than to beg for his return but that only makes you look bad in his eyes. Show the depth of your passion and your love instead and stay strong. When your marriage is in trouble,

you need to give your partner space.
3. Give your partner as much space as he needs and to take plenty of space for yourself. You should do things that make you feel good about yourself like spending time with your friends and family. Find activities that increase your self-esteem.
4. Find common ground where you agree with your partner that makes both of you happy. Build your relationship from there and be willing to compromise. A marriage is supposed to flourish in good times and survive through the bad. Love is the bridge that keeps the two of you connected. Never lose sight of your love for each other. Do things everyday that shows your romantic side. Leave your spouse romantic notes or play romantic games. Show him you do not take him for granted. Actions speak louder than words.
5. Make your partner top priority and get to know him well. Love and support him through good times and bad times. Show an interest in his hobbies and his work as this helps you in saving your marriage plus understanding his perspective on life. Never miss an opportunity to show your romantic side.
6. Don’t be a complainer when saving your marriage. Ignore the small things but don't ignore the big ones. Tackle them head on and work out issues that you feel uncomfortable with. Be open with your partner and allow him to freely discuss things with you as well. Be strong and deal with whatever comes along rather than hiding it.
7. Don’t be jealous of your partner's accomplishments in his profession or personal life. Jealousy can lead to divorce if you let it get out of control. Support your partner and take pride in his achievements.
8. Don’t be aggressive. Stay rational and calm during arguments although it may be difficult to do. When you lose your temper, you say things you don't mean.
Go ahead and do all the things that help you in saving your marriage. You’re supposed to enjoy life and not create problems.