How to Perform IVF
Read in this article about how to perform IVF.
In Vitro Fertilization is an assisted reproductive technology used by couples to overcome infertility. This is an IVF procedure step by step in which the egg is collected from the mother’s uterus and then fertilized with a healthy sperm of the donor. This whole process is carried in a lab under a controlled atmosphere. The fertilized egg or the embryo is then shifted back to the uterus of the mother. After around ten to fifteen days of this process,

pregnancy test is conducted to confirm the success of the process. It generally takes two to three attempts to establish a successful pregnancy.
The IVF procedure step by step is as follows.
- In the first step a blood test and ultrasound are conducted by the doctor on the first day of your period. This test helps the doctor to check your estrogen level, determine the size of your ovary and look for any possible complications. If everything is fine, the treatment is proceeded with.
- In the next step ovarian stimulation is carried out with the help of fertility drugs. Proper medication and monitoring of follicles is carried out in this stage.
- In the next stage, once the eggs are a little matured, the HCG injection is given to attain the last stage of maturation, so that it can be retrieved.
- Close to two days after the HCG injection is given, the egg retrieval process takes place. The patient is given a light sedative during the retrieval process. A needle is used to retrieve the fluid and the eggs. This is then transferred to the lab for fertilization. A transvaginal ultrasound technique is used in this process.
- In this stage the eggs are fertilized with carefully chosen healthy semen inside an incubator. This process must be conducted within twelve to twenty four hours of the retrieval of the egg.
- Progesterone supplements between the time of retrieval and transferring of the embryo.
- In this step, the fertilized egg after three to four days is transferred to the uterus of the mother. This transfer generally takes place through the help of a catheter or a thin tube.
- In the final stage, around two weeks after the transfer, a blood test or an ultrasound is conducted to confirm the pregnancy. Once the pregnancy is confirmed, repeated check up’s done by the doctor to monitor of multiple pregnancy or miscarriages. If everything goes well a healthy baby is born at the end of nine months period.
Though the IVF procedure step by step is tedious and nerve wracking, it is one of the best inventions of medical science ever. This procedure helps thousands of childless couples around the world to overcome the problem of fertility and makes it possible for them to have a normal family.