Information on Pregnancy Test
Pregnancy tests are performed for confirming the conception. These tests can also determine the gestational age of the foetus. To perform the test, sa...
Pregnancy tests are performed for confirming the conception. These tests can also determine the gestational age of the foetus. To perform the test,

sample of urine or blood of a woman suspecting pregnancy is taken. Urine or blood sample is tested to detect the hormone of pregnancy. A pregnant woman has high density of human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG), a hormone produced after conception. This is considered as reliable pregnancy sign; however, it can also be tested after implantation.Pregnancy tests can be classified into two categories, one, say home pregnancy test, requires urine sample whereas another one requires blood sample. Test requiring blood is carried out at labs and urine pregnancy test, also called home pregnancy test, can easily be done in the privacy of your house.Home Pregnancy test kits are convenient method of pregnancy detection. They are easily available at medical shops and are much cheaper than blood tests. These can be used within the one week after a missed period. Home pregnancy tests are considered almost 90-95 per cent reliable. However, doctors usually advice that these tests should be followed by blood tests to be completely sure about pregnancy.How Pregnancy Test Kit works?
- Home pregnancy test must be done on an empty stomach. Restrain from drinking anything until the test is done, as this can affect HCG concentration.
- Collect first morning urine sample in a clean and dry plastic container.
- Take the contents of the kit out and dip the dipstick into the urine sample for three to four seconds.
- Put the urine drops on strip.
- Wait for few seconds. If two lines appear on C and T, this means the result is positive. Single line on C means that you have not conceived (negative result).
- If no line appears on C as well as on T, pregnancy test is not working properly, i.e. the test is void.
- The result almost takes around 40 seconds to reflect, but to confirm negative result, it is advisable that you wait for at least 5 minutes. The average reaction time is generally given on the pack of the test kit.
Why Pregnancy Blood Test?* Other than pregnancy, HCG can be increased due to certain health conditions, such as breast cancer, vaginal yeast infection etc. Therefore, a confirming pregnancy blood test is needed.* At times, home pregnancy tests can fail to detect the minimum HCG level. It is another reason why quantitative blood test or beta HCG test is advised to be conducted even if you have undertaken home pregnancy test.