Keeping Your Baby Healthy From Day One
Whether you are expecting a child or planning to conceive one in the future one will need to know that caring for a baby starts from the minute you know you are pregnant. From the moment of conception, your child is developing and this is a critical time for you to focus on your health as well as the baby's. Everything you do affects not only you but your baby as well.
Whether you are expecting a child or planning to conceive one in the future one will need to know that caring for a baby starts from the minute you know you are pregnant. From the moment of conception,
your child is developing and this is a critical time for you to focus on your health as well as the baby's. Everything you do affects not only you but your baby as well.
Many people spend a lot of time during their pregnancy overindulging but in many cases this is not a wise idea. While you definitely must eat more during your pregnancy these extra calories should be coming from healthy foods and not junk foods. Of course, every woman who is pregnant will likely pack on a few pounds with a normal healthy pregnancy weight gain of about 20-25 pounds for most women but putting on an unhealthy amount of weight or weight from unhealthy sources can result in an overweight child. Most physicians can help to advise pregnant women on what foods are best for them when they are pregnant and how many calories per day they should have. Pregnant women should watch their calorie intake in the same way that all individuals should.
During pregnancy, extreme weight gain can lead to a build up of fat cells which can cause difficulty in losing the weight after the baby is delivered. Often times, women never get back to the pre baby weight. Another consideration is the potential for the baby to get too large which complicates the birthing process.
Cravings of pregnant women can be satisfied by eating the desired food in moderation and not going over board. Anything in excess is not a wise choice. It is also important for mothers to get plenty of rest, take their pre-natal vitamins and any other supplements the doctor recommends. It is beneficial to consult your doctor regarding the continuation of an exercise program or starting a program. If you are unsure if something will affect your unborn child do not hesitate to consult with your physician.
Motherhood is an important responsibility. This responsibility begins the moment you know you are pregnant and continues for another twenty years. Get on the right track from the beginning and make proper choices that will help your child get a great start and continue throughout their childhood.