Like a Bike can help teach your kid how to balance. Read on to know how.
It’s a known fact that balance is very important for everyone. Without it, we can’t walk, run or do just about everything except lie down. This is why it’s very important that everyone develops a sense of balance. Fortunately, most people develop them sooner or later. However, it’s a good idea to teach balance as early as possible. This is why all child-care professionals would encourage you to teach balance to your kid as soon as the muscles in his lower extremities are developed enough to support his whole body.
Of course, the first thing that you have to teach him is how to walk. It goes without saying that balance is also important when he’s crawling but that’s something that he’ll develop by himself. You just need to guide him to make sure that he’s safe. But for walking, your kid will need more than your watchful eye. You also need to support him as you guide and egg him on to walk. Soon enough, he’ll be able to develop the skill like most kids do.
You can choose to stop here and let nature takes it course. However, more and more people are now realizing the benefits of using balancing toys like Like a Bike. Simply put, this toy is a bike without pedals. Of course, it’s a given that biking with pedals and without training wheels should be reserved for when he’s older. For now, he can use something like wooden training bikes to improve on his balance.
The inspiration for the design came from the “Hobby Horse”. It was a popular walking machine during the 19th century and the company just made a better design in terms of being able to teach balance more. How are they able to achieve this? Your kid will position himself on it just like on a regular bike. But instead of pedaling, he will be kicking off the ground so he can move forward. He can develop his balance this way as he tries to find his center of gravity so he can move forward without the need for his feet to balance himself.
A Like a Bike also helps kids have fun safely. It goes without saying that bikes are fun. There’s something about zooming all over the place that entertains kids. However, bikes can easily overwhelm younger kids. Sure, you can just wait until he’s older so that he can play more safely. But you’re depriving your kid the chance to enjoy biking. Some people may say that kids can just use bikes with training wheels. But how can that teach your kid balance and equilibrium?
In choosing products, it’s a good idea to buy something that gives kids the perfect mix of several benefits. With Like a Bike, you’re giving your kid a perfect mix of fun and safety as you teach him how to balance.
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