Imagine the pride you would feel as a parent if you knew your children were involved in careers that really brought them joy. If you knew that they were involved in something that made them love getting up and working every day, that challenged them and filled their days with excitement and wonder. Wouldn’t that be amazing?
As a parent, you have the power to prepare your children for a life like this. Having the courage to follow your heart's true path doesn't happen overnight. It's fostered and encouraged by parents who believe in their kids, who convince them they can do anything they set their minds to. In essence, you can give your children the power to follow their heart by starting now.
So how do you do this?First off, look at yourself. You're the biggest role model in your child's life, and they learn by example. Are you doing something you love or coming home complaining about work? Take a close look at the way you're living your own life, because you can be sure your kids are picking up on your actions and words. If you can't switch careers, then lead by examples in other ways. Take a class that's interesting and challenging to you. Show your children that challenging yourself is a good thing, and trying to be your best in everything is the only way to go.
Learn to support your kids in what they want to do, even if it's something you wouldn't choose for yourself. For example, if your son comes home one day and wants to learn to be a clown, encourage him to do that! If he tries it and doesn't like it, then be supportive some more. Let him know it was brave of him to try, and he's always welcome to try something else. This encourages him to not discount his experience or feel that he was a failure. The secret to life, or so it's said, is to fall 7 times and get up 8 times. Even if they can't do something, teach them persistence above everything else. Teach them to get back up.
Also remember that fostering their creativity is vital. No matter what they grow up wanting to do, chances are it's not going to be one thing, or the same thing, forever. The workforce is changing, and having one job or one career for 30 years is a thing of the past. Teaching them intangible lessons like learning to be creative, to think on their feet (and outside the box), to speak their minds, and adapt to changing conditions will help them function in the world of tomorrow.
It's also important to allow yourself to learn as you teach your kids. As you challenge them and teach them, you might find that you're learning and opening yourself up to new experiences as well. Teaching them might make you look at your own career in new ways and help you learn to love what you do. It can give you a new lease on life if you open your heart to it.
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