When you first think of your pet dog or cat flea natural therapy,

you may think of the 'usual suspects. If you've done a quick Internet search, you come around, including fleas natural therapy, in the information garlic, diatomaceous earth, pyrethrum, such as eucalyptus oil or natural oil penny royal. Often is a natural flea treatment attractive, because, obviously - this is very natural! The basic assumption is that most people, natural treatment, a bit annoying than the use of chemical treatment on their pet dog or cat fleas is more safe. After all, this is natural!
A 'natural' flea treatment - the word is of course load. This is the positive connotation of the full. 'Natural' flea control has its advantages rumors.
Anti-side of this argument is that 'chemistry' flea treatment is a bit dangerous, you might hear the master to comment, for example, "I do not want treatment 'hate' him too much chemicals."
Sometimes it is good to stop and test your assumptions. Natural treatments than they better, safer chemical cousin. Is the natural alternative to more or less effective than the chemical option.
When you do your online search for information, you may experience dealing with families looking for a pair of fleas so-called synthetic pyrethroids. A pyrethroid is the active ingredient from the chrysanthemum chrysanthemum version of synthetic pyrethroids. Synthetic pyrethroids and shampoo, such as fleas, flea flea powder, but also found some random killer on the product type, such as K9's, Advantix. In other words, the flea control ingredient is a natural compound from the initial development. Another example is a pair of flea treatment called neonicotinoid family. And examples of these components is the flea treatment products, home advantage in the treatment of spots and Superstar This is a oral liquid kill fleas. This phrase 'new chemical name' give it away - the new insecticides is a new chemical insecticides on the basis of plant nicotine.
Many years ago, in the use of nicotine from the main insecticide to control pests and other parasites. While I recognize that chemical treatments are removed from their ancestors some generations naturally, there is no doubt the fact that they are from the same family, it is the first time by chemical compounds from the plant is likely to be very effective. But I must admit, they are no longer 'natural sense, most people understand them'.
Interestingly, you do not have a long search found that many people have tried the so-called natural remedies fleas found that they do not for security, because they want to. Garlic is a project, often appear in natural flea treatment component - but you will find the article in the Veterinary warned that garlic (onion) can cause anemia in dogs, cats, and can more easily be
So, if you hate all the chemicals discounts stop and examine how they are actually modern flea treatment. You may be surprised how many actually have a natural flea treatment origin.
So this brings us back to the issues raised in the title. Natural flea treatments - they effective? I wish you from my article, trying to lead you in different directions to see tone. Perhaps this is the wrong question to ask. Now we know there are so many modern flea control natural flea treatments are actually based on chemicals in the first place, perhaps a better question is: natural flea treatment - is safe and effective? However, the same problem can also ask a chemical treatment. I think that, whether natural or 'chemical' choice for the treatment of fleas on your pet the most important criteria is whether flea control products are safe and effective.