Psychological Well Being of Single Parents
Single parent support groups are a great way to help those who are parenting alone to feel less alone and ensure their psychological well being.
When it comes to raising children alone,
there are a lot of issues to be dealt with. Normally, in two parent families, the parents can give each other a break when dealing with sick children or housework. When you are alone, it is all on your shoulders. The psychological well being of these parents can suffer due to the extra stresses placed on them. Single parent support groups can be found in nearly every major city and town these days. These groups are designed to help combat these problems. As sole parent of the children, you will find that there are many things you have to deal with alone that other parents can assume they will have help with. From taking sick days to be with children who are ill to working long hours while the kids stay at the daycare just to earn enough to pay the rent and put food on the table, it is a difficult way to live. Add in the fact that dating is far more difficult when you already have children and you have a rather lonely life. What can you do to ease the burden and ensure your psychological well being? Here are a few tips:Join a single parent support group. Meeting up with others who have the same difficulties and who know exactly what it is like to handle things alone is a very good thing. It allows you to discuss things that you wouldn’t otherwise be able to talk about. You may make some great friends that you call when things get tough, as well. Support groups are very important if you are trying to go it alone.Find a good childcare provider. If you don’t fully trust the person looking after your children, you will feel infinitely more guilt. Take the time to find someone who is ok if you are late from time to time and who will be available on weekends and holidays, or can refer you to someone who is. As a single parent, you aren’t always able to take time off when needed, so having someone to watch the children during those times is invaluable. Take time for yourself. When you are the only person caring for your children, it’s tempting to feel like you should be there with them during every spare moment. However, it is important for your psychological well being to get out on your own from time to time. Every parent needs a little “me” time, so make sure you get it, even if that just means leaving the kids with the grandparents while you take a nap.There are many things to consider when you are in charge of everything and that can be extremely stressful, particularly for those who are used to having someone else to share the load with. Joining a single parent support group can help quite a bit since you will have other people to discuss things with, but you will also need to find strength in yourself.