Have a gift card that you are not using? Selling it for cash or trading for a gift card that you can use are easy, discover how to do it.
If the reason you are reading this article is that you have a gift card that you've tried using, but realized that you either have nothing to buy with it, or don't even want to try and find something that you may actually have to pay extra to buy, then trading (or selling) a gift card online is the best option available to you.
There is little to know about how to trade gift cards online, but still many people fail to learn and use this knowledge, to turn an unwanted gift card into cash.
The options you have available to you include selling your gift card or trading it for another.
Selling your gift card for cash - Many gift card trading sites will buy your card from you and will pay you 70%-90% of its remaining balance (the actual amount depends on the levels of demands your card and card balance have).
Trading your gift card online – If you know that you would like to get a different gift card in exchange for the one you have, you have 2 options. Most sites that buy your gift card from you are willing to pay you with an Amazon gift card, and if you choose this option, they will even reward you by paying you a little extra than they would if you have opted to get cash instead.
The second option you have is working with gift card trading sites. These include both bulletin board styled sites and companies that broker your transaction. If you want to make sure that you will not be scammed, than the latter are a better option.
However, these sites usually charge a commission for their services, which include getting both gift cards, verifying their value and shipping each card to its new home.
If you don't mind the risk, you can advertise your card yourself using free online ads and ask either for a trade or a cash amount. The extra risk you assume can pay off since this way is also the one where you can get the most for your card.
Whichever way you end up going with, make sure to look at all your options first, and understand that some cards will be much easier to both sell and trade than others. Spending a little time understanding what is the value of your card in the online market. This, in turn, can help you get the maximum back. After all, the purposes of gift cards are to allow you to buy something that you will enjoy.
You should also know that some gift cards are very hard to trade, but might be sold for about 70% of their value.