When you chose us to market your home, we began ... efforts ... to locate ... buyers using our ... ... ... plan. Working along with our company, we have now
When you chose us to market your home, we began marketing efforts immediately to locate prospective buyers using our "Performance Campaign" marketing plan. Working along with our company, we have now implemented various methods of attracting the right buyer for you.
As partners in the selling process, we are likely to encounter a number of unknowns, which in turn prompt questions. The most often asked by our sellers is, "How long will it take to sell my home?" Another might be, "What else can we do to attract the right buyer?" Obviously, the unknowns center around the uncertainty associated with selling any real estate. And, until the right prospective purchaser has seen your home, it is impossible to answer those questions.
What we can do in the meantime is strive to change and improve our marketing efforts until we have a buyer. That may include changes in advertising strategies and other methods of exposing your home to the greatest number of potential buyers. It also means offering the right price and terms on the home, making necessary improvements to the condition of the home and maintaining open communications.
Please call us at your earliest convenience so we can set an appointment to get together and discuss any revisions or modifications to our marketing plan that might be made to enhance the salability of your home.
"The Help-U-Sell team"
Jeff Kermath, Tony Dulgeroff, and Kandace Fredrick.
(800) 998-(cash) 2274
fax (734) 944-9119
"Full Financial Services With Savings"