The UPPAbaby Vista Ultimate Travel System
This stroller can take up to three children at one time. While it is a luxury stroller, it is priced in the lower range for luxury strollers. This is emphatically a luxury stroller and UPPAbaby Vista reviews include recommendations from both Ellen DeGeneres and Martha Stewart on their TV shows.
It can be very tough to find the right baby stroller due to the many different types available. Of all the stroller systems available today,

the UPPAbaby Vista stroller system is one of the more luxurious. It stands out above the rest because of its many, well designed features. When perusing reviews about the UPPAbaby Vista, you will see top quality comes up again and again.This stroller can take up to three children at one time. While it is a luxury stroller, it is priced in the lower range for luxury strollers. This is emphatically a luxury stroller and UPPAbaby Vista reviews include recommendations from both Ellen DeGeneres and Martha Stewart on their TV shows. There are many extras included with this model.The UPPAbaby Vista Stroller is designed with the parents in mind. The frame has a one step fold system and it will collapse flat even if the seat is still connected. There is a cell phone compartment situated at the back of the seat. A very large basket is situated under the seat. The handlebars are telescopic and can be adjusted with one hand by pressing a push button. If you like drinking coffee with your stroller, get a different brand of holder as the one supplied is not very secure. The bassinet comes with an optional rain cover which will be essential in damp climates. The stroller seat is very slickly installed into your car and functions exceedingly well as a child car seat.It will also work well as either a stroller carriage. The bassinet is ideal for newborn babies where they can be laid entirely flat. It is very easy to switch the bassinet with the stroller seat. Green and red indicators show you when the seat or bassinet is connected The bassinet is lined with a material that is a blend of cotton and soy protein fibre. Soy protien fiber is extremely environmentally friendly and is kinder to your baby's skin than cotton.It is possible to turnaround the seat to have your infant facing towards you. Older models had a concern whereby the seat could not be set in the fully upright position. The seat now has extra padding and is fully adjustable so it can be put in the totally upright position. The seat in the Vista is higher than most strollers. There is a fold out sun screen and this has a pop out extension to further protect your baby. There is also a bug screen and a weather shield available for the seat.Your baby will remain comfortable on bumpy surfaces due the large wheels and suspension. This is an extremely maneuverable stroller even though it is wider than most.It is easy to switch this stroller to an inline double stroller by adding a "Rumble" seat.A "PiggyBACK" can also be attached. This is similar to a skateboard. It is connected to the stroller allowing another child to remain on it if they are exhausted walking. So it is possible to have three children on board.You will acquire many UPPAbaby Vista reviews on the internet and all of them are incontrovertible. The Uppababy Vista stroller is very high quality and it sets the bar extremely high for its competitors.