Tips to use Pregnancy Calendar
You can use the pregnancy calendar by learning how the pregnancy week by week calculations are used. Since each pregnancy is different, the foetus in ...
You can use the pregnancy calendar by learning how the pregnancy week by week calculations are used. Since each pregnancy is different,
the foetus in each of it develops at a different pace. You should not take the calculations based on pregnancy calendar to be perfect as there can be 15 days difference in its outcomes.In order to learn more about the symptoms, it would be a good idea to look at the period of 15 days before or after your gestation age. Ideally, pregnancy should be dated from 1st day of the last menstrual cycle. The ovulation starts three weeks after this stage. That is why pregnancy week calendar is counted from actually the 3rd week of pregnancy.At pregnancy week 3, egg is released from her ovary and it goes towards the fallopian tube towards the uterus. If sex has occurred at the time of ovulation, the chances of pregnancy are the brightest. As millions of sperms are released from the penis during ejaculation and only one fertilises the egg, there is a race and only the strongest sperm wins. The baby becomes a cluster of cells and it will soon become an embryo in the coming weeks.Till pregnancy week 4, most women are not likely to feel any sort of changes in their body, as they do not feel any different in their bodies at all. Some women tend to feel that the taste of their mouth has changed. Be that as it may, the fertilised egg is very active and it floats around in the uterus for close to 72 hours and finds a location in the uterine lining for implantation. The blood vessels in the uterus start supplying the fertilised egg with blood and start to nourish it.It would be advisable that you are careful about using the calendar for determining the due date and related aspects of managing your pregnancy week by week. They are not the most accurate as already stated, but they do have some benefits. You need to know about the way to avoid wrong calculation and the worst part about using the pregnancy calendar can be mistaking the week of your pregnancy and not following the schedule for treatment properly.Pregnancy week calendar can be very useful for you if you manage to calculate accurately and stick to the advice of the doctor with regards to maintaining optimal health during pregnancy.