Various Phases of Delivery
Read in this article about various phases of delivery.
If a woman is reading this,

she is undoubtedly in her final stages of labor and delivery. A woman may wonder as to what exactly happens during labor and delivery. Labor has two distinct phases. One is the latent or early labor and second is the active labor. There are three stages of active labor. This is described below in detail. There are no criteria for the exact prediction of the moment when labor starts. Some signs of impending delivery can be noticed by some women for several weeks. However, no signs and symptoms may be shown by others into active labor for hours.
Latent or early labor
During early labor, a woman will find herself very comfortable. This is generally a very long part of the birthing process. This can last anywhere from one to three days. During this time, a woman may experience contractions that are moderate or mild. Generally, they last anywhere from 30 to 45 seconds. There may be irregularity in these contractions. Sometimes, they may stop and restart again. If a woman is interested in speeding up the process of labor, she must consider going for a long walk which may help the baby move further in the pelvis. Many women will be able to function and talk normally during this stage. This part can be typically enjoyed by her in the comfort of her home. Traditionally, the duration of early labor is very longer than the first time mothers.
Active labor
Active labor is also one of the essential stages of labor and delivery. There are three sub stages. These include:
1. Stage one – the cervix will efface and dilate the cervix
2. Stage two – birth of the baby
3. Stage three – delivery of the placenta
First stage
During the initial stage there is thinning out and dilation of the cervix. This will help a woman in preparing for birth. The stage usually commences when there is a 3 to 4 cm dilation of a woman. Urine contractions are very common during this stage. They are very frequent.
Second stage
The actual birth of the baby comprises the second stage of active labor. The baby is pushed out. Usually, a powerful urge for pushing out the baby precedes it. A great deal of pressure will be felt in the pelvic region, back or the vagina.
Third stage
The third stage of labor when there is passing out of the body and detachment of the placenta. Generally, the occurrence is found within just 30 minutes of the second stage. This is not very exciting as the birth of the baby.
Thus, a woman must be aware of all stages of labor and delivery.