As you practice Law of Attraction in your life, you become more aware of what you are attracting and start to understand that you can control what you attract with deliberate use of Law of Attraction. The more deliberate you become in controlling what you want to attract, the less and less tolerant you become of any situation that doesn't feel good---in particular, negative relationships in your life.
But what do you do when the person who is being negative is your partner, spouse or child? It's not likely you will just eliminate them from your life altogether. How can you deal with a situation that is contaminating your positive energy with negative energy?
First of all, I'd like you to remember that it takes two people to argue or fight and you always have a choice about what you choose to talk about. When you are with your mate, or friend or child and they are complaining about something they don't like or telling you how much their life isn't working in some respect, you always have two choices:
1) You can buy into their conversation, join it and thereby lower your vibration to match theirs; or
2) You can steer the conversation in a direction that creates change in the vibration
How do you steer a conversation into a more positive vibration? It's quite simple; just ask the question, "So what do you want?" That question may surprise them because they are not used to answering it. They may even have some resistance. But keep asking it. When they do answer, you'll soon hear their words change and see how the change of words always creates a change in their vibration. The best news of all is that a person can only hold one vibration at a time.
Yes, we all have negative people in our lives, but now you have a tool to use when you feel your positive energy becoming affected by anyone's negative energy. From now on, your experiences with negative people can be different!
Here's your assignment! Write the question, "So what do you want?" on post-it notes and put them by your phone, on your fridge and on your bathroom mirror. This is a powerful tool that delivers rapid change!
How A Creation Box Can Work For You
Bring to mind a time when you decided that you wanted something in your life; a vacation, a special book, or a household item. Did you notice that things relating to what you were wanting appeared out of nowhere--either you overheard someone talking about it, noticed an advertisement, a billboard or even junk mail? This, my friends, is the power of the Law of Attraction at work. The Law of Attraction states that all forms of matter and energy are attracted to that which is of a like vibration. "Like attracts like." The thoughts we hold attract similar thoughts and become large masses of thoughts. These thoughts are also called vibrations.Cancel Cancel How Giving Attention to What You Don't Want Brings More of It
Have you heard yourself or others say 'cancel cancel' after catching that a negative declarative statement was made, usually about something unwanted? Saying 'cancel cancel' is actually giving it more attention. Saying 'cancel cancel' keeps the thought alive and fuels it, like blowing on the embers of a fire to start small flames.Harnessing the Law of Attraction to Cultivate Your Ideal Relationship
Discover how to leverage the Law of Attraction to draw your perfect partner into your life. By focusing on positive desires rather than past disappointments, you can transform your love life.