Why is discharge noticed during the first trimester of pregnancy?
Read in this article about why is discharge noticed during the first trimester of pregnancy.
When a woman is pregnant,

her body has to undergo many changes. One of the first changes that she has to experience is the vaginal discharge. It is important for the woman to be aware of the normal changes during pregnancy and inform the doctor about the changes that appear to be abnormal. Discharge during pregnancy first trimester is normal and it is known as leucorrhea. However, it is white, thin, mild smelling and milky. This discharge is very normal and a woman should not worry about that. For avoiding this discharge during pregnancy a woman must not:
- Use tampons. If they are used, new germs will be introduced in the vagina.
- Douche. The normal balance can be interrupted and this may lead to a vaginal infection
- Assume that this is an infection of the vagina and treat it herself.
A woman must:
- Use panty liners if it is making her more comfortable
- Notify the doctor at the appointment in case of any changes.
If the discharge during pregnancy first trimester is yellowish, strong smelling and green and is accompanied with itching or redness, this is certainly a sign of vaginal infection. A common vaginal infection during pregnancy is the Candidiasis. This is also known as the yeast infection. The doctor finds it very easy to treat this vaginal infection. Other causes of abnormal discharge during pregnancy can also be a sign of STD. The doctor must be notified if there is change in the normal discharge of pregnancy. One must never try to treat and diagnose the condition on her own. Spotting during pregnancy can be very normal. However, the doctor must be notified immediately if spotting or bleeding is experienced and if it lasts for more than a day. This spotting will be accompanied by pain or cramping.
- A patient must count the number of weeks from the last period. If the number of weeks is 5, then the brown discharge could simply be implantation bleeding. Sometimes, the implantation of the egg is done on the uterine wall. Thus, some amount of blood will pass through it.
- A woman must also think about other symptoms. She must see whether the brown discharge during pregnancy first trimester is light or heavy.
- One must also think about the sexual experiences of the last day. If a woman has had an intercourse, the discharge is mainly caused by the penile irritation to the cervix.