Are Credit Card companies starting to feel the pinch? We all know that the Credit Card companies make their money by charging us interest on the money we borrow. With all the 0% balance transfer offers that we have seen over the last few years its no wonder these companies are concerned they aren’t making any money. Many customers who take advantage of these offers move once the 0% period has expired.
These credit card companies are now using smart tactics to grab back a chunk of money that they have lost through these deals. One of the ways they are doing this is by reducing the interest free period, meaning you have less time to pay the balance off. If you don’t pay it off by the time your 0% period ends you are charged interest backdated to when you made the balance transfer.
If you do find yourself in this predicament and you decide to transfer the outstanding balance to another 0% credit card you will unfortunately now be charged a fee for making the transfer by the Credit Card Company you had the original offer with.
These are all tactics that are now being used to make sure the Credit Card Companies make some money off of you.
Here are some points that may help you to beat the new rules that are being implemented plus other ways to save on your Credit Card fees:
We all need Credit Cards for day to day living to get by so advising on not having them is ridiculous. All we can say is be disciplined. Keep a close eye on your fees and charges and manage them very closely. Check you balance statement every month. Fraud is rife at the moment so don’t get caught out.
Credit Card Dirty Tricks
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