There are MANY Money + Credit raising 'Secrets' that very few people actually know about. You can borrow money you Don't have to repay- its Brilliant. I am for the first time revealing these secrets to the public and they are worth gold ! Discover secrets the banks don't wish to reveal to you. This is a very special report !!
It is true, the banks all know it, I know it, and after reading this, and You will finally know it...that is some of the dirty secrets about Money and Credit !
Let me start by introducing myself…I am 44 and retired. I used to work in one of the most established banks in the world.
Everyday I would do my job, talking to bank customers, giving advice on loans, arranging mortgages, photocopying identity documents, etc.
I used to watch how we, as a bank used to easily take peoples money with our ‘high interest’ Rates and 'hidden fees' and left them with high debts.
But I was feeling so guilty of this that I felt that something had to be done.
It also MADE ME SICK, when some of our customers got into dept due to them not being able to keep up with their payments. I felt we could have advised them better.
Did you know that over a 20 thousand people a year get into dept because of money problems. It is partially the credit company’s fault who persuade them to take out unnecessary loans, credit cards etc.
I felt that something had to be done to let customers know the truth about money borrowing, credit scoring, CCJ removal, repairing bad credit and many other money issues.
That’s when we decided to let everybody know about the major secrets about credit.
There are MANY Money + Credit raising 'Secrets' that very few people actually know about.
You can borrow money you Don't have to repay- its true.
This is a very special report and the information is worth gold ! Here are some of the credit secrets included.....
-Repairing your Bad Credit scoring,
-Credit cards,
-Saving thousands of your mortgage,
-Removing CCJs,
-Getting an A** credit score in record time,
+ Much Much MUCH MORE!