There are plenty of free credit reports offers on the Internet these days. Credit report is basically your financial resume, so make sure it is correct and protected from hackers or being theft. Your credit rating is what opens and closes these seemingly magical financial doors. The secret to your credit score is found in your credit report. Creditors use your credit report to find out whether, you are eligible or not for the great deals they are offering like “free credit reports” or “Great Low Rates on Approval!” etc. Credit reports are not only used for lending money but it also helps in finance from bank and mortgage loans.
What is consumer credit report?
A consumer credit report is a document, which gives factual information of an individual’s credit payment history. In other words it contains your personal and credit statements, reputation and your life style. It also tells whether you’ve been sued, arrested, or filed for bankruptcy. It doesn’t tell only your social security id or address proof but also tells your credit statements like how habitual you are in paying your debts, credit card report and history of bank statements.
Knowing what is in your credit report should be the first step you should take before attempting any type of financing. Credit Bureaus or Credit Reporting Agencies are in the business of gathering the information about a person's credit history. They collect information about consumers' financial situation from various sources including banks, savings and loans, credit card companies, and other financial institutions. There are many credit bureaus in the United States of America but only a few main ones. Those three are trans union, experian and Equifax. Free credit reports from credit reporting agencies are available depending on your situation and the state in which you live. Consumer reporting companies sell the information in your report to creditors, insurers, employers, and other businesses that use it to evaluate your applications for credit, insurance, employment, or renting a home.
Employers often check for backgrounds on applicants and get consumer reports during their employment. Some employers only need an applicant's or employees past credit records; others want driving records and criminal histories. These are the things, which every employer goes for before recruiting an employee. Finding your way through the maze of credit is not as difficult as it first might seem.
The accuracy of payments of credit card debts, all types of Bills and repayment history of loans reflects your credit report. Good credit report plays a significant role in a secure and happy financial life. Credit report is the most important document which verifies your financial standing at present. It is also the most authentic proof of how well you had managed your finance in the past. Suppose you apply for a fresh loan then credit report plays a very important role for your eligibility. You can obtain your credit reports for free from the credit bureaus. If you find any dispute or problem in your credit report then you can correct them by contacting the credit bureaus. Credit report is one of the most awarded financial documents that every individual should have.