Free Credit Report with all 3 Scores, No Gimmicks.
Learn how to really get a Free Credit Report.
OK guys,

there has been a lot of debate out there about the Free credit reports offers. We all know you can go to and get a free credit report only once a year. A lot of bad things can happen to your credit in one year. So waiting a year for a report from these guys is not good enough. So what is the trick or catch? Its real simple, all you need to do to get your Free Credit Report with score, is go to and get the privacy matters-123 offer. I send clients of mine there all the time and there are no problems. Here is what you have to do. It does require a little effort and a phone call after you receive your credit report. You do have to provide a credit card number; they hope you don’t cancel within the cancellation period. You have 7 days after you give them your credit card number to cancel. While you are inputting all the information online to verify you are who you are, they will try to up sale you on other services, don’t purchase anything. If you do, you can call back and cancel also. This credit report with scores is actually FREE. Here are the detailed steps: This is the only credit report on line, where you actually get a 3-1 credit report with all 3 scores for FREE for 7 days.1. Go to and select the Privacy Matters1-2-3 free 7 day trial.2. Input your information3. enter your credit card4. get your membership number5. print out your credit report6. Call back and cancel.It’s that simple; if you have any problems e-mail me @