It is important to understand how to consolidate debt otherwise you may end up benefiting the debt consolidation company rather than yourself. Debt consolidation actually means creating more debt. Here you pay a fixed amount into a bank account that is used for clearing your debts. Follow the below-mentioned points carefully to use this option to your benefit.
Points to consider
Keep the long-term picture in mind. You may also consider debt reduction or debt elimination options also. Low interest rates are an attractive bait that consolidation companies often present before prospective clients. Find out whether the rates are available for your situation. Also consider the cost of the loan and the reputation of the lender. Consider whether you have resources to fall back upon in case you are unable to pay the amount. You must also have to alter your spending habits.
Your credit report
If you are in debt your credit report may contain some derogatory information about you. It will be a good idea to get your credit report and understand your credit score. This can be obtained from credit rating agencies like Equifax, Experian and Trans Union. A free copy of the report can be availed of within six weeks after being denied credit.
Selecting the debt consolidation company
Most organizations will offer free credit counseling that can give you a good idea of its mode of operation, customer service efforts and negotiating expertise. Consider the track record of the company, interest rates offered, penalties if any and the minimum amount payable. Also consider if the company is friendly and allows you scope to change your mind within a day. Steer clear from companies that try to rush you or charge heavy penalties for missed or delayed payments.
You will need to make various adjustments in your lifestyle to make the most of this option. Check if the consolidation company provides assistance and guidelines in helping you budget for your requirements. Improve your credit worthiness by paying bills on time, accumulating more income, reducing spending and getting a secured credit card. If you are not willing to change the way you spend, you may end up accumulating more debt than you began with.
We at 1Debt have a dedicated team of workers to help you with counseling and consolidation services. Our negotiating team helps work with you and your creditors to make debt repayment a hassle free experience.