Easy tips on how to pay off debt fast and still have a life.
One of the main reasons why people are procrastinating when it comes to paying their debt off is the belief that all of life’s pleasures which they enjoy so much will be over. While it is true that you will have to sacrifice many things in order to pay your debt fast,
it is not true that you have to put your life on hold.
Here are some easy tips on how to pay off debt and still have a life.
1. If going out to eat is too much of a sacrifice, you don’t have to give up it completely.
If your schedule allows, you can go out during lunch time instead of dinner, which will cut your restaurant bill in half.
If you are going out for dinner, reduce your bill by skipping drinks and ordering water instead. There is really no need to pay $3 for a glass of coke when you can get a gallon of it for $1 at a supermarket.
The same goes for wine and beer. If you really want to have some, buy some at the liquor store and enjoy it at home. If you go out to eat twice a week, you can save up to $500 a year just by using this small tip.
Anther way to save at a restaurant is splitting a meal. Portions at American restaurants are huge and one is usually more than plenty to feed two adults.
2. If you can’t imagine your life without a vacation, travel during the off season. Going to Europe during winter or going to the Caribbean in October can save you hundreds or even thousands of dollars.
Fly during the week instead of the weekend. You can save big when travelling off days.
Avoid going out to eat as much as possible. If the place you are staying at doesn’t have a kitchen, go to a grocery store and fill up your cart with cereal, fruits and other foods which you don’t need to prepare.
Another way to save big on vacation is to travel on short notice. Many airlines and resorts have last minute specials you can take advantage of.
Also, remember that going on vacation doesn’t mean driving for hours or spending your monthly salary on plane tickets. If you have the right attitude and do some research, you can have just as much fun staying local.
Remember, that some changes are necessary when you are trying to pay off debt, so don’t whine that you can’t do everything you wanted. After all, most likely you were the one who got yourself in debt, so you do have to pay for it.
3. If you are like me and are in love with food, there is no need to start eating junk to speed up your debt paying process. Actually, it is a very bad idea to save on food this way.
Check local markets and ethnic stores for cheaper high quality food. The Polish shop which we have in the area sells the best quality meats for half as much as they sell in the supermarket and our Indian store is the best place to buy cheap spices and grains.
You should also check farmers markets for cheaper meats and produce. This way you will not only save money and hopefully reduce your credit debt, but support local communities as well.
There are many ways to save money without going nuts. It is true when they say that the best things in life are free.
American consumerism mentality makes us believe that in order to be happy we need to buy, spend and possess. This is not true. Buying things can only makes us happy for a short period of time, but being drowned in debt may make us miserable for years.