It is important to learn how to use a credit card safely because credit card usage is very common and convenient. If the user is responsible and is careful about how the credit card is used he can save himself a lot of misery and bad debts. Credit card fraud is rampant and the card issuers and banks are finding it tough to contain credit card crime thanks to advancement in technology.
It is important to learn how to use a credit card safely because credit card usage is very common and convenient. If the user is responsible and is careful about how the credit card is used he can save himself a lot of misery and bad debts.
Credit card fraud is rampant and the card issuers and banks are finding it tough to contain credit card crime thanks to advancement in technology.
Simple Dos and Don'ts
The credit card PIN number should never be shared with or given to anyone, simply because it is unnecessary for anyone other than the user. The PIN number should never be given over the telephone or in response to an e-mail . Invariably, it is the crooks who ask for such information and banks will never ask for such sensitive information. When making a credit card payment while shopping the credit card user must insist on the portable payment device where he can enter the PIN number himself. It is necessary that the credit card is never out of sight when the shop assistant is processing the transaction. The credit card statement contains vital information about the bank account and should be filed away safely. Once the statement is read and no longer required it should be destroyed by using a paper shredder or by burning it. Never write down the PIN number and keep changing the PIN number periodically.
How To Use A Credit Card Safely Online
It is important to understand that online transactions are safe these days and if precautions are taken credit card fraud can be prevented. When applying for a credit card online the information given is sent and received in an encrypted format to ensure safety. When using the online service provider's website please be sure that the URL (uniform resource locater) is 'https' and not simply 'http'. https ensures that the website is hosted on a secure and safe server and there is no danger of loss of privacy or personal account related information that can compromise the online transaction. It is reassuring to learn that applying online for a credit card is far safer than filling out an application form and sending it by conventional mailing methods. That is because more people are handling the mail and even a postal employee can access valuable personal, financial information without being detected.
Most online service providers allow access to the online account information where transaction history, payment details and the facility to make online payment in real time is possible. The user does not have to wait for 3 days to check if the transaction has been updated or not. One can also report loss of card immediately. The account management systems are such that SMS messages and e-mail alerts are immediately sent whenever the credit card is used. Spending limits can be pre-set to avoid over spending.
How To Combat Phishing
Phishing is another method employed by crooks and scammers to steal credit card information and personal details. A harmless looking mail seemingly to have originated from reputed banks and reputed companies like Bank of America, eBay, PayPal asking you to update some personal information should set the alarm bells ringing. A fake link will lead the unsuspecting user to another page where the information given may be used to access the personal account. Or the e-mail will contain a prize announcement which requires a small payment by credit card and if the user is naive enough to furnish credit card information the unscrupulous identity thief can use that information to inflict severe damage.
If it is understood how to use a credit card safely then the user will quickly adapt to the requirements. Careful usage and adherence to precautions can help the credit card user to have a safe and useful experience. After all, the credit card is a handy payment tool for purchases made in a shopping mall or an online website portal.
Dangers of Payday Loans
What is a payday loan? This is a loan issued on a short term basis with the repayment of the loan being cleared on the subsequent month. As a borrower of this type of loan you are required to issue at least two different ways through which the lender will be able to get their payment back automatically. This can either be through a check which is post-dated or through an automatic debit placed on your back account and which is to be controlled online.Crafting Your Dream Wedding Without Breaking the Bank
Creating the perfect wedding day is a dream for many, but the costs can quickly turn it into a financial nightmare. With the average wedding in the United States costing around $28,000 in 2021, according to The Knot's Real Weddings Study, savvy planning and budgeting are essential for those who wish to celebrate their love without a lavish price tag. This guide will provide you with strategic insights and practical tips to help you orchestrate a memorable wedding that aligns with your financial goals.