The Credit Card Hotline Assists You with Lost or Stolen Credit Cards

Jan 18


Joe Hernandez

Joe Hernandez

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The credit card hotline protects you from fraudulent use of your lost or stolen credit cards. With credit card fraud on a sharp rise, this service is invaluable.

Want to know what a Credit Card Hotline is?  How important it is to be subscribed to this kind of service?  If you have a credit,The Credit Card Hotline Assists You with Lost or Stolen Credit Cards Articles ATM or a debit card, the truth is that you could be at risk.  Thievery happens.  Lost credit cards are happens daily; in fact, millions are reported stolen every year.  And fraud is rising at an awfully alarming rate.

Do you have any idea on what you would do if your card got lost or stolen? What if you lost your credit cards while on a trip abroad? How would you hold others from using them? What numbers would you call? How long would you have to wait before your cards get cancelled? And how many fraudulent charges will be incurred with your lost or stolen credit cards?

Sure, the number to call for your credit card provider is conveniently set on the back of your card.  That is until the credit card gets lost or taken. It's very convenient to cancel your credit card the minute you realize its absence. That way you can calculate the difficulty before it starts by avoiding the requirement to raft with expunging malicious charges.

Credit Card Hot Line service is a card registry that protects you against possible fraudulent use of your credit and debit cards should they ever be lost or stolen. Once you inform the Credit Card Hotline with regards to your concern, the Credit Card Hotline will advise your card issuers to cancel the cards. The Credit Card Hotline service will also request that replacement cards be sent to you as soon as possible.

This is how it works, once the Credit Card Hotline service provider receives your call, we assume full responsibility for any fraudulent charges that may appear after the cards were cancelled.  All the credit or debit cards belonging to your spouse and dependent children under 21 years of age, living either at home or away as students, can be registered.

Can anyone else access my card details? No. The Credit Card Hotline uses a very secured site. All the information that you have supplied online is password-protected and available only to you. Your card details are stored in strict confidence in our computer –generated system. Credit Card Hotline employees will only access your records if you request for a particular service.

Protect all your credit, ATM and debit cards in the event of loss or theft.  Being a credit card hotline member, you will feel more secure knowing that 24 hours a day you can cancel your cards, stop unauthorized access and purchases, and request for new cards.  Considering that all of these can be made with one toll-free phone call!  And even better, you will be covered for any liability for which the issuer holds you responsible, and you can add cards or update your registration anytime.