How have West Country Homes moved up market so far, that they are now out of reach? It is a direct result of the credit industry, placing a tide race of money, between the swimmers and their objectives.
The torrent of money created out of credit sweeps homes out of reach.
The apparent scarcity of homes is as real as the torrent of money which cuts us off from what we need.
How does the credit industry create a tidal race of money. Very simple, but seemingly so complex as to be incomprehensible.
Here is the simplicity. It is now legal for any financial institution, to have access to an infinite source of credit and to turn that credit into money, by getting it borrowed.
The instant that credit is accepted as a loan, the Law states that credit is now debt, which is money owed.
That statement is unbelievable and what cannot be believed, cannot be understood. The tide race of money is an impassable barrier.
Having access to an infinite source of credit, we out bid each other for a home and homes go up market so far, we cannot have them.
It seems obvious that homes have become terribly scarce, because we measure the scarcity by the length of queues at the doors of the council offices. People wanting somewhere to live.
Gordon Brown slides the price tag on homes, out of the sight of the inflation statisticians, for the simple reason that it must not be known, that newly laundered money will rapidly find its way into Gordon Brown's coffers.
Gordon Brown can boast and brag at the economic boom over which he presides.
We are looking at fraud, born of ignorance and pride, riding on a wave.
It will be interesting to perceive the wipe out.
The Conservative Party and Monetary Reform
The Tories have always opposed open government. Margaret Thatcher said a “Freedom of Information Act! over my dead body!”. We now know why. Labour accepted from the Tories the secret mandate given to the bankers to create and issue new money as credit.Rail Progress
“We need a firm, fair and sensible approach” We sure do! but with British Rail in the hands of big business, that is pie in the sky.New Money As Credit
"Labour accepts that private financial institutions like banks should be allowed to issue new money as credit” The full significance of this statement, correctly understood and widely known, would fundamentally change the whole global economy.