Why 'Easier' Cardio Isn't Necessarily 'Better' Cardio

May 6


Matt Wiggins

Matt Wiggins

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In the realm of fitness, the notion that 'easier' means 'better' is a common misconception, especially when it comes to cardiovascular workouts. While efficiency in technique can enhance performance, it doesn't always translate to improved cardiovascular health or endurance. This article explores why intensifying your cardio routine might be more beneficial than opting for seemingly easier alternatives.

The Misconception of 'Easy' Cardio

Many people gravitate towards cardio machines or routines that feel easier,Why 'Easier' Cardio Isn't Necessarily 'Better' Cardio Articles often mistaking these for being more effective. However, the true measure of an effective cardio workout is not how easy it feels but rather the intensity and the physiological demands it places on your body.

Understanding Cardiovascular Demand

Cardiovascular exercises are designed to increase the heart rate and challenge the body's aerobic capacity. The American Heart Association recommends at least 150 minutes per week of moderate-intensity aerobic activity or 75 minutes per week of vigorous aerobic activity for adults, or a combination of both preferably spread throughout the week American Heart Association.

Intensity Matters

A study published in the Journal of Physiology indicated that high-intensity interval training (HIIT) significantly improves aerobic capacity more effectively than long-duration, lower-intensity cardio Journal of Physiology. HIIT involves short bursts of intense exercise alternated with low-intensity recovery periods, and despite being more challenging, it offers superior cardiovascular benefits in a shorter time frame.

The Role of Technique in Cardio

While technique is crucial for preventing injuries and ensuring the correct muscles are targeted, it should not be confused with the effort or intensity required during cardio workouts.

Technique vs. Intensity

  • Technique: Refers to the correct form and execution of an exercise, which ensures safety and efficiency.
  • Intensity: Relates to the level of physical exertion and energy expended during the workout.

Improving technique can help you perform a workout more effectively, but without the appropriate intensity, the cardiovascular benefits can be limited.

Common Cardio Myths Debunked

  1. More Time Equals Better Outcomes: Simply spending more time on a cardio machine does not necessarily equate to improved cardiovascular health. The intensity of the workout is often a more important factor.
  2. Machines Offer a Superior Workout: While machines can provide useful metrics and a controlled environment, they are not inherently superior to outdoor activities like running or cycling, which can offer additional benefits such as varied terrain and resistance.


Choosing 'easier' cardio options might seem appealing, but it's crucial to challenge your cardiovascular system adequately to reap the full health benefits. Balancing technique with appropriate intensity will ensure that your cardio workouts are not only safe but also effective. Remember, if a workout doesn't challenge you, it might not be changing you.

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