Vegetarianism: Exploring the Different Types of Vegetarians

May 20


Nicholas Tan

Nicholas Tan

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Vegetarianism is a dietary choice that excludes meat, but the specifics can vary widely. From lacto-ovo vegetarians to raw food enthusiasts, the spectrum of vegetarianism is diverse and nuanced. This article delves into the various types of vegetarians, their dietary choices, and the reasons behind their preferences.

Understanding Vegetarianism

A vegetarian is typically someone who abstains from consuming meat. However,Vegetarianism: Exploring the Different Types of Vegetarians Articles this broad definition encompasses a variety of dietary practices. For instance, some vegetarians include dairy products and eggs in their diet, while others avoid all animal-derived products.

Lacto-Ovo Vegetarians

Lacto-ovo vegetarians do not consume meat, fish, or poultry but do include dairy products and eggs in their diet. This is one of the most common forms of vegetarianism.

Lacto Vegetarians

Lacto vegetarians avoid meat, fish, poultry, and eggs but consume dairy products like milk and cheese. This diet is often chosen for health, ethical, or religious reasons.

The Spectrum of Vegetarianism

Contrary to popular belief, vegetarians are not a monolithic group. The reasons for adopting a vegetarian lifestyle are as varied as the dietary practices themselves.


Vegans avoid all animal products and by-products, including dairy and eggs. They also steer clear of products like white sugar, which is often processed with bone char. Vegans typically consume vegetables, fruits, nuts, grains, and legumes. Additionally, they avoid using animal-derived products such as leather.


Fruitarians take a unique approach by consuming only fruits. This includes botanical fruits like tomatoes and cucumbers. The rationale is that fruits are self-perpetuating and do not require replanting, making this diet the most harmonious with nature.

Raw Food Enthusiasts

Raw food enthusiasts believe that cooking destroys essential nutrients in food. They consume raw or minimally cooked vegetables, fruits, and legumes. The idea is to preserve the nutritional value, vitamins, and amino acids by avoiding high-temperature cooking.

Nutritional Considerations

The more restrictive your diet, the more crucial it becomes to ensure you're getting all necessary nutrients. This is particularly important for maintaining muscle and heart health.

Protein and Vitamin Sources

  • Protein: Legumes, nuts, seeds, and soy products are excellent sources of protein for vegetarians.
  • Vitamins: Leafy greens, fortified cereals, and supplements can help meet vitamin needs, especially B12, which is primarily found in animal products.

Interesting Statistics

  • According to a 2018 Gallup poll, 5% of Americans identify as vegetarians, and 3% as vegans (Gallup).
  • A study published in the journal Nutrients found that vegetarians have a 24% lower risk of ischemic heart disease compared to non-vegetarians (Nutrients).


Vegetarianism is a diverse and complex dietary choice with various subcategories, each with its own set of rules and philosophies. Whether you're a lacto-ovo vegetarian, a vegan, or a raw food enthusiast, understanding the nutritional requirements and ethical considerations is crucial for maintaining a balanced and healthy lifestyle.

By exploring the different types of vegetarians, we can better appreciate the diversity within this dietary choice and the reasons behind it.