When you are dealing with a Bed bug infestation, you can opt to use Bed bug traps. There are sticky traps that are similar to fly paper that can attract Bed bugs and leads them to stick onto the paper. This method is an efficient way of trapping Bed bugs on floors, carpets and even walls
For those who are unsure if they have Bed bug problems, they can efficiently use traps to determine if there are Bed bugs present in their homes and then become an important part of a Bed bug extermination strategy.
Traps are useful when an infestation is yet to begin or is present in low numbers, as well as after applying treatments. All traps have their own function and design, so you may want to choose one that suits your problem. Some traps are designed to keep Bed bugs from getting where they wish to go, while the others are designed to lure Bed bugs in.
Barrier traps are sold at affordable prices and are found conveniently with their specially designed ways to prevent Bed bugs from traveling. Such traps are made to fit around the legs of a bed to prevent Bed bugs from continuing in their journey from the floor towards the sleeping host. Bed bugs on the other hand that are traveling down towards the floor are also trapped. Evidently, these traps are made to easily get into but difficult to escape from. However the downfall is that since not all bed bugs will be traveling from the floor to the bed or furniture and from the bed or furniture towards the floor, you can try using other forms of traps.
Electronic traps can be used to actively lure Bed bugs unlike other traps that wait for Bed bugs to travel towards them. They work by emitting carbon dioxide, heat or chemical lure and even at times, a combination of all 3 to make sure that Bed bugs are effectively drawn to it. Once the Bed bugs are drawn towards the trap, they are unable to escape. Like many other traps, this electronic trap is an efficient way to help determine if the Bed bug infestation is still in its beginning stages or already in a severe Bed bug infestation phase.
Mattress Encasements: Encasements for mattresses and box springs were the first early detection method available. In addition to protecting mattresses and box springs from becoming infested, encasements have helped to expose many bed bug infestations by removing the many hiding places that exist on mattresses and box springs and forcing bed bugs out into the open on the smooth exterior of the encasement where they can be readily seen and dealt with. There are many brands of encasements and they are not all created equally, nor are they all effective for use as a bed bug detection and/or management tool.
Canine Scent Detection: Canine scent detection has become an increasingly popular inspection method for the detection of low level infestations. The biggest problem is that canine scent detection services are not available in all parts of the country and there are great disparities in the quality and effectiveness in the canine scent detection services that are available. A well run canine scent program can yield highly effective results and will often reveal infestations that would have been missed during a visual inspection. Unfortunately, the prevalence of poorly run programs is a real threat that may result in the discrediting of this valuable inspection method.
Commercially Manufactured Active Monitoring Devices: Monitoring devices that employ the use of carbon dioxide have been developed for the detection of bed bugs. In addition to using CO2 as the primary attractant, some of these devices also employ other attractants such as heat and chemical lures.
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