Among the different types of rat control methods, rat poison is an effective control measure. Rat poison is designed to kill rats and control their population.
Rat poison can be designed to kill with a single feeding, or to lure rats back to feed multiple times and take the tainted bait back to their nest. The three types of bait that are most commonly purchased for non-professional use are bromethalin-based, vitamin-based and anti-coagulants. The type to choose depends on where the poison will be used and how quickly results are needed.
Bromethalin-based poisons are chiefly designed for use outdoors or in commercial applications such as warehouses and plants. Bromethalin is a highly lethal, fast-acting poison that will typically kill rats within a day or two of feeding. This rodenticide attacks the rats' central nervous system, paralyzing them and causing death.
Vitamin-based poisons kill rats by overwhelming their systems with vitamin D, which causes them to absorb huge amounts of calcium into their bloodstream. Too much calcium causes things like kidney failure, slowed heartbeat and muscle weakness that eventually end in death.
Anti-coagulant poison is designed to eradicate rats by preventing their blood from clotting. Rats that eat this bait may not become ill for several days. They bleed internally which causes a relatively slow death. The benefit of this type of rat poison is that the rodents will often return to the bait more than once. This allows them to take food back to their nest, providing more effective pest control.
When choosing rat poison, it is important to remember that none of these poisons should ever be within reach of children, pets or wildlife. They are all designed to be lethal. While many products are designed for indoors, the use of poisons inside can sometimes mean that rats will die inside a wall or beneath the floor, which can cause mess and odor. Traps may be a better option for some homes.
While the poison definitely will not solve the rat problem permanently, and probably not even help temporarily, it likely will kill a percentage of the rats. Worst of all, poison does not solve the rat problem. It just temporarily kills a few rats, but more keep coming. You need to solve the root of the problem. In most situations, trapping and removal is the only way to get rid of a problem rodent. Seal up your home and then set out some traps. If done correctly, you will be rat-free in no time.
For more assistance on controlling the pest in your place, check out our main page here:
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