Lawns can look beautiful without using pesticides and fertilizers that may contribute to water quality problems in our local waterways.
A green and healthy lawn is relatively easy to achieve with a bit of work. A healthy lawn can be achieved by using proper maintenance practices.With a little bit of sweat and informed planning, lawns can be kept disease, weed and pest free without the use of inorganic fertilizers and toxic herbicides and pesticides.
Here are a few simple tips to reach that goal.
Here's How:Pesticides and synthetic fertilizers can kill beneficial critters like earthworms, ladybugs, honey bees, butterflies and other pollinators; they pollute water supplies as well. There are many effective alternatives to using pesticides and synthetic fertilizers. You could refer to professional pest controllers for reliable results
Don't use pesticides(herbicides, insecticides, fungicides, etc). -Cides suppress the soil's biological activity which in turn reduces it's ability to suppress pathogens (disease-causing microbes); -Cides also kill earthworms which build and aerate the soil. It takes a while for some soil microorganisms to get over a hit with pesticides; some species never recover-leaving your soil vulnerable to further disease and infestation. You may undo all your other good lawn practices by applying pesticides.
Go to main page Auckland Pest Control for more information and assistance
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