Perfect Tips of Carpet Cleaning Making Removal of Paint Easier
Whether the paint is latex or oil based, you can usually remove it with paint thinner applied to a dry cotton terry towel. Using a white towel is best as you can easily see the color of the paint as it transfers to your towel. Work from the outside of the paint into the center so as not to spread it beyond the area you are working on.
While you think of removing paint from carpet,

you need to work really fast to clear off this spilled paint.Carpet cleaning involving paint stain removal can appear to be a daunting task. If the paint is latex, removing it will usually be an easier task than if it's oil based.Check out how to get paint out of carpet easily. Dishwashing Liquid Detergent As soon as the paint spills off and covers the carpet, you need to get some washcloths and liquid detergent used for dish washing. First blot the paint, as much as you can using a water absorbent towel or cloth. As mentioned above, do not scrub. Now mix a cup of dish washing detergent with ½ cup of lukewarm water. Apply this on the carpet and blot the remaining paint and stain. Finish by cleaning with a damp cloth. While removing dried latex paint from carpet, you might need to soak it for a while in this water and detergent solution and then clean by dabbing it using a sponge. Solvent for Oil Based Paints While removing oil paint from carpet, soapy water is of no use. You need a solvent for removing paint from carpet in this case. But which solvent is the perfect one to be used? You can opt for spirit, methylated spirit or turpentine as well for this job. While the paint is wet, you need to dab and get off most of the wet layer using a sponge or towels. Now start removing paint from carpet that is dry or just a thin oily layer or a stain left behind. Take a sponge and dampen it with one of the aforementioned solvents. Make sure you dab it on the specific area and work from outer side till the center of this stain or spill, so that the stain does not spread. Now just finish carpet cleaning by dabbing the area with a detergent solution to get rid of any oily residue. Wet and Vacuum This is an effective carpet stain removal method, even if you splashed an entire tin of paint, just work carefully and fast. One of the carpet cleaning tips is to keep the paint wet. Removing dry paint might become a really tough task. A vacuum cleaner is what you need to get this paint off the carpet. Great if you have a vacuum, or you need to soon arrange for one. While you get a vacuum, make sure the paint doesn't dry off. Now simply spread a large plastic sheet over it, to keep it wet. You can also spread a wet towel over this spilled paint. Start vacuuming. Wet and vacuum, keep doing this until you have cleared it off. You can also wet and blot with towel, but in this case, make sure you softly blot. Scrubbing or applying pressure while blotting can cause paint to force down into the carpet. In cases where you are dealing with dry paint stains on the carpet, you will want to gently scrape away as much of the dry residue as possible. Use a scraper that is fairly dull as you don't want to damage the carpet in the process of removing the paint. The side of an old spoon or even a butter knife can work fine for this purpose. Vacuum away the paint particles with a shop vac before proceeding with the next step. For more easy steps and guide on handling carpet, check out our main page here: Auckland carpet cleaning