Safety While Treating Flea is Best

Aug 10


Ma. Theresa Galan

Ma. Theresa Galan

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Besides spot-ons, there are other pesticides registered for flea control on pets. These include shampoos, collars, dust, and sprays. Consumers should apply the same precautions when using these products as recommended for spot-ons. To help minimize incidents that may be caused by product misuse, EPA is reminding consumers to always carefully read and follow all instructions on the label.


Taking care of your pets responsibly includes protecting them from fleas. Before purchasing and applying pesticide products to pets to control fleas and ticks,Safety While Treating Flea is Best Articles there is important information you should know.

People use pesticides on their animals to control fleas, ticks, mosquitoes, and other pests. They can be very beneficial, but they can cause harm to animals, especially if they are not used according to the label directions. Always read and follow the label directions when using pesticide products.

Safety tips for pet owners:

    Consult your veterinarian about the best way to to protect your pets from fleas and ticks and whether pesticides are even needed.

    Use extra care before use on weak, aged, medicated, sick, pregnant, or nursing pets, or on pets that have previously shown signs of  sensitivity to pesticide products.

    If you use a spot-on product or any other pesticide on your pet, carefully read and follow the product label.

    Use flea and tick control products only on the animal specified by the product label - for example, dog products for dogs only and cat products for cats only.

    Follow any label prohibitions against use on weak, aged, medicated, sick, pregnant, or nursing pets, or on pets that have previously shown sensitivity to pesticide products. Apply only the amount indicated for the size of the animal being treated.

Do not apply to kittens or puppies unless the product label specifically allows this treatment. Pay attention to the age restrictions for puppies and kittens on the label.

    Monitor your pet for side effects or signs of sensitivity after applying the product, particularly when using the product on your pet for the first time. Do not apply spot-ons to pets known to be sensitive to pesticide products.

    If your pet experiences an adverse reaction, immediately bathe the pet with mild soap and rinse with large amounts of water.

    Keep the package with the product container (such as individual applicator tubes).  Also keep the package after treatment in case adverse effects occur. You will want to have the instructions at hand, as well as contact information for the manufacturer.

Safety Tips for Flea and Tick Pesticides

EPA is dedicated to the protection of children risks associated from exposures to pesticides, particularly those used residentially. EPA assesses all pet pesticide treatments, including spot-on products, using a screening level approach. Our review of these products includes a dermal assessment for adults and dermal and oral exposure assessment for children based upon conservative assumptions of pet contact and pesticide transfer to the persons exposed. Inhalation assessment to pet pesticide treatments is considered on a case-by-case basis. EPA scientists estimate the amount of applied pesticide that can transfer from the animal to the child's skin from hugging or otherwise contacting a treated animal. Based on these estimates, the EPA ensures that children are protected from exposure to pesticide treated pets.

People should carefully follow label directions and monitor their pets for any signs of an adverse reaction after application, particularly when using these products for the first time. Pet owners may also want to consult a veterinarian about the responsible and effective use of flea and tick products, including whether the use of these products is necessary. Owners should consult a veterinarian about the best way to protect their pets from fleas and ticks, especially before using any product on weak, aged, medicated, sick, pregnant or nursing pets, or on pets that have previously shown signs of sensitivity to pesticide products.

For more information, check this site below:

flea control auckland, flea control east auckland