11 Interesting Facts About Stress You May Not Have Heard Before

May 30


Peter Dobie

Peter Dobie

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Stress can have loads of negative impact on our mental and physical health. We need to manage our stress levels to stay fit and healthy both emotionally and physically. Here are some true and interesting facts about stress, which you might not have heard before.


The mind and body of humans are severely affected due to stress. Overall health and well-being is also extremely impacted due to stress. If we fail to manage stress,11 Interesting Facts About Stress You May Not Have Heard Before Articles then it can simply increase the risk of mental and physical problems such as obesity, diabetes, illness, depressive and anxiety disorders, and heart disease.

Check out these 11 surprising & interesting facts about stress and anxiety.

  1. Health problems such as high blood pressure, chest pain, heart disease, and an irregular heartbeat can occur because of too much stress. When stress begins to build up, people do not take it too seriously, which is why Stress is also called as ‘silent killer’. Your body will force itself to take a break, if you do not give it a break once in a while, although a little stress is a good thing.
  1. Neurochemical composition of the human body can change due to stress. A study has revealed that for approx 30% of the infertility problems, stress is the major cause. Maturation and releasing process of human eggs is affected by stress in women. It impacts implantation, as this could result to spasms in the fallopian tubes and the uterus. Extreme level of stress could affect sperm count in men.
  1. The pupils dilate in situations that are highly stressful, and this is a lot similar to how pupils dilate when you see someone you’re attracted or seduced. This happens because a natural reaction of our body, which tries to gather more info about the situation.
  1. Stress-related disorders are more common in men. Studies have revealed that females are better at dealing with emotional issues and males have a higher risk of developing stress-related disorders. Hypertension, aggressive behaviour, and abuse of drugs and alcohol is found common in stress-related disorders.
  1. The hair loss problem can occur if a person is suffering from stress for a long time. Extreme cases of stressful situations could act as a catalyst in hair loss problem.
  1. There’s a direct effect on blood because of stress. Apart from high blood pressure, stressful situations can also impact your blood.
  1. Condition of your acne can even become worse, if you’re suffering from high levels of stress. An increase in sebum is related to stress-related inflammation.
  1. Stress hormones like epinephrine, adrenaline, and cortisol can be lowered with laughing!
  1. Stress can be easily reduced with the help of simplest things such as laughing, music, dark chocolate, exercise, proper sleep and sometimes meditation. These small and simple things can leave you feeling fresh, bright and rejuvenated.
  1. Premature ageing can occur due to increased stress levels for a longer period of time. Many fine lines in different areas of our body can be added by stress.
  1. Stress is one of the major symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome. So, next time you feel stressed for a long time, then there’s a chance that you might be suffering from chronic fatigue syndrome.