15 arguments pro and against using soy
In these days, is very helpful to know what food and when we eat to have a healthy life. Soy provides us both bad and good things, so it's important to know what.
From the nutritive point of view soy is a special food because it contains as many proteins as meat and at the same quality. It contains iron,
![15 arguments pro and against using soy Articles](https://www.articlesfactory.com/pic/x.gif)
complex of B vitamins, fibre(lower the colosterol level). However the consumption of soy is not that healthy. We will enumerate above pro and against arguments for using soy: Pro:
- reduces hipertension (proteins from soy reduce the risc of cardiovascular disease)
- controlls the level of glycemia
- stops the development of cancerous cells
- reduces the level of colesterol-nevertheless it does not replace the standard treatment for reducing colesterol
- eases menopause`s simptomes by reducing the harshness of flushings
- maintains bones density, reducing the risc of osteoporosys
- soy strenghtness the imunity system
- reduces inflamation
- has positive effects over dental pulp. Periodontal conditions are some cronic inflamations of gums or maxillary. An alimentation rich in soy together with a regular and corect brushing and the use of dental thread ensures a dental health.
- soy is a food that can arouse severe alergic reactions as hives, swolling of neck, respiratory difficulties
- pregnant women that consume soy in higher quantities are prone to give birth to children with a lower weight and with development problems
- women with breast tumors are exposed to a higher risc, tumors becoming more resistent to treatements against cancer
- soy substances can interfere in natural reglementation of endocrin system
- soy leads to tyroidian cancer
- soy grain are rich in oxalic acid, an important factor in the formation of kidney stones