4 Golden Rules to Wake up Easier in the Morning
Few years ago I was a complete night owl – I couldn't get early even if they offer me pile of money. My freelance job didn't helped with this either – I had my free time, but I started to wake up late in the afternoon and go to bed early in the morning.
This might be a good life for some,

but started to feel like a nightmare for me. I wanted my days back, so I rented a small office, in order not to stay home and changed my morning routine. It wasn't easy at the beginning but as the time passed by getting up bright-eyed and bushy-tailed early in the morning became the most natural thing on Earth for me. If you want to change the start of your day too, read through my suggestions below. May be not everything will work exactly the same for you as they do for me, but you might actually get some directions that would help you make morning routine on your own.
Have Your Breakfast and Coffee at HomeDo you know that the most common reason to feel dizzy early in the morning is that the blood sugar's levels are lower at the night? Therefore you need an energy boost to start your day. Making yourself a breakfast and coffee has some other benefits too. Your day will begin with healthy meal, which will make you feel better. I started to make my self a bowl of cereal with milk, honey and dry fruits every morning and I noticed that this keeps me sated till the middle of the day. Home made breakfast is also an excellent money saver. At last, but not least if you have your coffee and breakfast at home, you will be completely awaken and eager to deal with you tasks, right after you go to work, instead of losing an hour to go to the cafeteria, get a sandwich and eat it. And you can be sure, that your boss will like this new attitude. There is one more thing – when you have your first coffee at the comfort of your own home you can read your newspaper, or a blog that you like, without feeling guilty. You will stop wondering if your boss will appear right behind you staring into your monitor. Of course, you will need to get 20-30 minutes earlier, but when you go to your office this will certainly pay you back.
Move Your Body!Human body is designed to have alertness peak in the morning, due to our circadian rhythm, which is actually our 24 hour internal clock. We are meant to feel more energetic in the morning. But if your regime was different for many years, you cannot expect that this will appear by itself. You should help your body exploit this “morning” energy. Start exercising – you don't need more than 15-16 minutes every morning to feel awaken and refreshed. Tone your muscles with aerobic exercise and take a quick shower and you will feel renewed. If you don't have the time for thorough workout in the morning walk instead. Try to get off the train one or two station before your or leave your car few blocks away from your office. Fifteen minutes of walking will have the same awakening effect to your body as morning exercising. Walk fast and vigorously every morning and you will start to notice, that when you arrive at work you're not feeling tired or sleepy but full of energy.
One Unusual Awakening HabitHere is a trick that helped me a lot – I'm not big fan of exercises but I found that I don't mind cleaning early and the morning instead. I started to replace the workout early in the morning with some of my housekeeping chores like tidying up and energetic vacuuming my rugs . Do you know that 30 minutes of thorough vacuuming burn about 90 calories? Neither did I, but this is the same amount that you will loose after 15 minutes of kick box. Of course you cannot clean your carpet every morning but it has the same effect. Morning housekeeping wakes you up and it has great benefit – when you come home you don't need to worry about cleaning the floor and tidying up when you come back home tired from work.
Start Your Day with Good MusicNever underestimate the refreshing power of the good music! Start your day with your favorite artist or just turn on some music radio. Play the music and sing out loud if it is possible – it may seem silly but actually when people sing they take control on their breathing. You need more oxygen through your brain to wake up easier and when we sing we breathe deeper. If you start your morning singing you will not only rouse up faster, but also you will start your day in better mood.