Moisturizer is important to nourish and moisturize our skin. But then it is hardly to choose the best moisturizer for ourselves. When comes to choose a good moisturizer, you must always read the label of moisturizer to avoid harmful ingredients in the moisturizer. There are 4 main harmful ingredients that you should avoid before too late.
Moisturizer is important to nourish and moisturize our skin. But then it is hardly to choose the best moisturizer for ourselves. When comes to choose a good moisturizer,

you must always read the label of moisturizer to avoid harmful ingredients in the moisturizer. There are 4 main harmful ingredients that you should avoid before too late.
1. Mineral oil - It is a by-product of the petroleum industry. Alternatively, it can be called as hydrogenated gasoline. The moisturizer that contains mineral oil is banned in the most of Europe countries. Mineral oil is helpless in daily skin care regimen. But it would clog the pores and lead to more skin problems. In fact, moisturizer that contains mineral oil will make your skin suffocate and hard to breath. It will damage your skin in the long run.
2. Perfume - Do not think that a moisturizer with good smelling will be good for you. In fact, a moisturizer that contain perfume is likely to contain PBA's, which is known as one of the reasons to cause disease. Perfume is oil based and can cause dizziness, rashes, breathing problems, vomiting, sensitive and other skin problems. Therefore, please think twice before making any decision to buy a good smelling moisturizer.
3. Parabens - It accelerates skin aging. It also affects the body's hormonal balance and impair the adrenal system and brain. The moisturizer that contain parabens could let you store it for indefinite period, but does it worth for it?
4. Alcohol - Usually alcohol and moisturizer are usually not used at the same time. Alcohol removes moisture from the skin surface and contains a cooling effect on the skin after application of alcohol on the skin. However, you have to avoid alcohol, ethyl, methanol, benzene and isopropyl alcohol. These are often derived from petroleum and other sources of gas heating. These components of the tape from the defensive skin and leave it open to disease and infections.
If you are looking for good quality skin cream, you must know that there are many harmful ingredients, which should be avoided. Other than as mentioned above, entry of existing formaldehyde, aluminum, animal fats (tallowate sodium), sodium laurel sulfate, bentonite, butane, collagen, DEA, MEA, tea, dioxins, hydrocarbons, glycerin, and much more cream for skin. In fact, these mentioned ingredients could be easily found in the moisturizer nowadays.
Please stop using low quality moisturizer. The effect of low-quality moisturizer can be worse than nothing at all. Please remember that we are using moisturizer to nourish and protect our skin from de-hydrated, instead of damaging it.