Hair loss brings anxiety and stress, which results in low self-esteem. Hair transplant in India is a wonderful solution for baldness problem. People often ask different types of questions related to hair transplant. Here are 4 questions and answers about hair transplant in India.
Yes, it’s true that hair transplant can grow hair again on your scalp. However, many Indians aren’t aware with this amazing treatment. The ones who do know about it have so little info related to hair transplant that mostly they fail to reap the benefits of this amazing treatment.
Here are top 4 Q&A (Questions & Answers) about hair that will help you to get a better idea about hair loss and hair transplant procedure.
Question #1 – Is permanent loss possible, if you pull out some of your hair? Since the last 2-3 weeks I have playing with my hair over my ear. I failed to realise that I was pulling out hairs at once. When I took a closer look I saw that there was significantly less hair in that area. Will my hair come back?
Answer: If the current hair pulling habit ended after a brief span of time, then the hairs are ought to come back. You should be watchful if the pulling habit continues over and over in the same area because then the damage could become permanent. Trichotillomania is a medical condition which includes endless habit of pulling out hair. You need to end this habit to have healthy hair growth.
Question #2 – How to find out if I’m a good candidate for hair transplant or not? Are there any individuals who fail to become ideal candidates?
Answer: In today's world of technological advancement, it is conceivable to get desirable hair transplant with practically every individual due to the numerous enhancements in this field and increasing skills of hair transplant surgeons. But, there are a few individuals who, due to the colour and texture of their hair, and scalp colour, are considered as better candidates over other individuals.
Question #3 – Should there be any worries if pimples occur a few days after a hair transplant in India?
Answer: Generally, if pimple occurs, it happen at least 2 to 4 months post hair transplant in India, as the hairs begin to regrow. Many patients may have to deal with numerous pimples, which can be cured by using creams and prescribed medicines. However, a patient can choose to get skin treatment to cure their acne problem.
Question #4 – How Long Does It Take Transplanted Hair To Grow After Transplant?
The person will look almost as he/she did before the transplant for about 3 months because the hair that comes with the follicle will first fall out, and then the hair from transplanted follicles will start to regrow. The person will witness very fine new hairs coming through the scalp, usually three to four months after the transplant. Within 6 to 9 months the hair will become strong, and after 12 months the hair will grow thick, strong, and healthy.
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