5 Reasons Why Oral Sex Could Lead to Bacterial Vaginosis

Feb 23


Bernie Lo

Bernie Lo

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Scientific research has proven that sexual partners who practice oral sex become predisposed to bacterial vaginosis. The vagina is home to several dif...


Scientific research has proven that sexual partners who practice oral sex become predisposed to bacterial vaginosis. The vagina is home to several different types of bacteria that live in a balanced environment. When that balance is disrupted the normally harmonious bacteria begins to multiply causing foul smells,5 Reasons Why Oral Sex Could Lead to Bacterial Vaginosis Articles discharge and irritations that become a daily frustration.

So just how does oral sex lead to bv?

Any condition that changes the environment in the vagina can cause BV.

  1. We naturally carry various types of bacteria in our mouths, not to mention the different foods and additives we subject our tongue to. Certain foods and additives can change the acidic environment in our vagina, leaving us vulnerable to Bacterial Vaginosis.
  2. There are also bacteria that live within our throat; when indulging in oral sex we continuously transfer any microorganisms to our sexual partner. These bacteria may or may not be the same type that reside in our vaginal tract, thus again leaving us vulnerable to BV.
  3. Many people who suffer from gum disease have bacteria that are not only a serious health hazard but easily transfers to various environments and can create havoc in a new host.
  4. Bacteria reside internally and externally from the vagina to the anus; when performing oral sex it is easy to transfer bacteria around via your tongue. You could easily move bacteria from the anus into the vagina, not realizing the simplicity of how you got bacterial vaginosis.
  5. Many beer drinkers learn later on that it was a major cause in their BV. It's always a good idea to floss, brush and rinse any foods and beverages from your mouth, especially before oral sex activities. Beer contains natural yeast, not to mention additives used to make the drink.

Just as easy as it is to contract bv from oral sex its just as simple to eliminate it from your body or even prevent the occurrence.

Suppositories made with boric acid are sold in health food stores; this will help prevent as well as cure bacterial vaginosis. Adding Lactobacillus to your diet, either in the form of capsules or cultured yogurt can prevent an overgrowth of bacteria and help stabilize your body.

You don't have to stop indulging in oral sex; you just have to learn how to prevent bacterial vaginosis from ruining your pleasure. It probably is a good plan to douche with natural ingredients after having oral sex. It's more of an insurance policy to help keep the vaginal flora in balance.
