5 Senior-Friendly Ways to Get Moving This Summer

May 20


Fallbrook Glen

Fallbrook Glen

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Elders need to be careful in choosing their activities during the summers. Spending much time under the blazing heat of the sun may cause to develop heat stress or suffer a heat stroke. There are some friendly activities to take care in summer. Read full article to know the friendly ways to get moving this summer.


No matter what season it is,5 Senior-Friendly Ways to Get Moving This Summer Articles regular physical activity is an important part of a senior’s routine. But older adults should be extra careful in choosing their activities during the summer. Spending too much time under the blazing heat of the sun might cause you to develop heat stress, or worse, suffer a heat stroke.

Be safe while taking care of your health by doing some of these senior (and summer) friendly activities in your senior assisted living community.


1. Pool Exercises


The summer season automatically comes with an exciting activity in the water—swimming! If you are fond of dipping in the pool during summer, why not make it fun by adding some exercise routines into it?

Water aerobics or pool exercise is a great activity to keep your body cool while improving your endurance and stamina. If there are no available classes in your community or gym, simply walking around waist-deep pool water can already benefit your health.


2. Yoga or Tai-Chi


Keep it simple during this summer by engaging in low-impact exercises, such as tai-chi or yoga. These two activities let you work on your physical health without straining you too much. Some benefits you can reap by doing it regularly include:

  • Improves flexibility and breathing.
  • Builds balance and body strength.
  • Promotes weight loss.
  • Enhances mood and reduces stress.

Also, it is an excellent exercise for seniors with health problems and limited mobility. Its fluid movements and deep breathing techniques can even help in managing their conditions.


3. Indoor Exercises


You can still do your morning walks and jogs during the summer. Just remember to safely take a route with the most shade and bring plenty of water. 

But when the heat becomes unbearable, you can still do your favorite exercises inside by using workout equipment, such as a treadmill or stationary bikes. Additionally, you can still work out without splurging on equipment by engaging in stair exercises or walking around your house or lawn for 30 minutes.


4. Gardening


If you are a fan of gardening, you know that 30 minutes of doing it can get you sweating and moving. This summer, you can still enjoy gardening both as a favorite hobby and a physical activity!

Besides exposing you to fresh air, all that raking and potting can help you stay physically and mentally healthy by:

  • Enhancing your flexibility, upper body endurance, strength, and mobility.
  • Helping you relax and de-stress by putting you in a good mood.
  • Adding fulfillment and enjoyment.
  • Easily accessible all year round.

Just remember to apply sunscreen before going in your yard and bring a bottle of water to keep you hydrated.


5. Dance Fitness


Another way to get the body moving is through workouts that involve dancing. Moving your body to the music is a great cardio exercise for seniors of different ages. It helps strengthen your muscles, improves your heart health, and lets you achieve a healthy weight.

The best part is that you can do it while in your senior assisted living apartment through online classes. Bring out your salsa moves or Zumba routines in your sessions.