5 Steps to Finally Take Off the Unwanted Weight
Are you tired of being overweight? Use these five steps to finally get fit!
Are you tired of being overweight? Has your new year’s resolution every year been to lose weight,
yet every year you’re back to the same unaccomplished goal? Have you tried different exercises but got no results? Are you unmotivated? Well I have the solution for you. I have struggled with this for a long time but have figured out 5 ways that worked for me and if you apply them to yourself they will work for you as well.
- Motivation: It’s hard to get motivated, especially alone. Find someone that has similar goals as you. It will be easier to work out and eat healthy because you can motivate each other and keep checking on each other and tell each other your struggles. Whenever you feel like you’re going to fail, call that person they will be a huge help. If you’re doing this all alone it is more likely that you will fail, having someone in your life that is right there with you will make a big difference. Plus that person will have certain expectations of you and you won’t want to let them down.
- Nutrition: I have had a couple trainers and they told me the same thing; Food intake is 80% of the process. It really does matter what you are putting inside your body. Not only is it good for your body to eat healthy foods but it will help you slim down in No Time. Here is a web site that I use a lot when it comes to nutrition: http://www.webmd.com/ as well as http://www.hungry-girl.com/ .
- Keep a Journal: It can be just a simple notebook from Wal-Mart, or something fancy from the gym or a fitness store, whatever works for you. It’s important to keep track of what you’re eating because first off it helps keep you on track and second if you’re not getting results you can go back and look at what you have been eating too help you solve the problem faster.
- Exercise: Yes exercise. If you don’t mind going to the gym go with a friend. Plan out when you’re going to go before the week starts so that you can make time to go and you won’t have any excuses. Most gyms have a free consultation. So if you can’t afford a personal trainer, this would be a good start. If you are not a gym person, go on bike rides, or go running or jogging. You can also buy home videos. There are also free exercises on the internet. Here is a great site that I use a lot: http://www.bodybuilding.com/ . They have over three hundred exercises and much, much more! Sometimes exercise can be down right hard. Go take a yoga class or kick boxing classes. I have found that working in a class is more motivating and it makes you work out harder.
- Most of all have fun with it! Go out and buy new work out gear it will motivate you to work out. Set goals that you can accomplish, this creates less of a chance of failure. It’s going to be hard in the beginning but it will be worth it in the end. A whole new wardrobe, Self confidence, A whole new you!
Losing weight is not easy but if you follow these steps you are guaranteed to have results. Your new life is waiting for you.