5 Typical Mistakes Made When Trying To Get A Flat Tummy

Jan 19


Jon Allo

Jon Allo

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Apart from belly fat looking unsightly and making your clothes fit poorly, it does pose a health risk. There has been a direct connection between abdominal fat and problems with diabetes, heart disease and suffering from a stroke. So, if you are trying to get in shape and be more healthy, where do people go wrong when they are trying to lose belly fat?


Why is it that when you are trying to lose belly fat it seems the hardest thing to do? While the other fat on your body is hard enough to burn off,5 Typical Mistakes Made When Trying To Get A Flat Tummy Articles the last fat to leave us is that which covers our abdominal muscles. So, if you are trying to get in shape and be more healthy, where do people go wrong when they are trying to lose belly fat?

1. Thinking That Crunches Will Burn Belly Fat.

There are some great exercises to lose belly fat, but doing loads of crunches and sit-ups is not one of them. Crunches and sit ups work and tone your abdominal muscles, but you need to burn off the fat that covers those muscles first. That means you have to do fat burning exercises, like resistance and cardio training as well as control the amount of calories that you eat each day.

2. Eating What And When You Want Because You Exercise Regularly.

You can exercise as hard as you want, but if those calories that you've burned are being replaced with with unhealthy foods, chemicals and extra fats, it is very unlikely that you will reach your fat loss goal. Remember that even if you do exercise regularly, it does not mean that you will not lose belly fat if you are eating to many of the wrong foods.

3. Not Including Resistance Training In Your Workout.

If you want to lose belly fat, you need to include resistance training, or weightlifting, into your workout routine because muscles burn more calories, even while they are at rest. Resistance training helps to build strength, tone muscle and it will not turn you into a bulky bodybuilder. The big muscles of a body builder comes from a very particular, and very hard, exercise regimen, usually with muscle enhancing supplements added.

4. Only Doing Long Sessions Of Cardio Exercise.

It is not going help you get those stomach muscles muscles showing through if you only spend hours on the treadmill or stationery bike at a constant pace. You do need to include some cardiovascular exercises to increase your heart rate, condition your lungs, and burn fat but to get the highest results from your cardio exercises, use interval training. This is where you switch between high intensity exercise with low intensity recovery periods.

5. Not Making Any Changes To Your Lifestyle.

You have to commit to changing your lifestyle to improve your nutrition and fitness. If you always feel that you are on a diet and doing exercise that you don't like, it will be very difficult to shed that unwanted fat around your midsection. There are loads of healthy and nutritious foods out there that you probably have never tried and lots of different types of exercise that you will enjoy doing it you make the effort to try some out.