There was a time when sexual incompetency was a taboo subject that nobody ever mentioned. It was a bedroom secret that used to be shoved under the carpets out of embarrassment. Thanks to awareness about the treatment of sexual disorders, these issues have come to the forefront and can be truly cured irrespective of age. People who seek treatment for sexual disorders can return to a normal life of pleasurable sexual activity and regain their conjugal bliss.
What is Erectile Dysfunction?
Erectile Dysfunction or ED is defined as the inability to get an erection or maintain it for a sufficient time period needed for sexual intercourse. It affects more than 30 million people in America alone, and thus you can imagine the number of afflicted people all over the world. Erectile Dysfunction is very common after the age of 45 or 50 in males, though it can step in earlier too due to a variety of causes like physiological problems, lifestyle choices, side effects of medications, stress, emotional trauma, etc. You are not alone in this battle in the bedroom, and there is nothing to be afraid of or ashamed of.
How to cure Erectile Dysfunction?
Do not rush
Erectile Dysfunction may be temporary too in some cases. Just a few days of inaction may not be a cause to worry about. Just give yourself time without rushing to conclusions. It may be happening temporarily due to stress or some physiological condition and may go away on its own. Relax, get rid of excess stress and try to get things going with ease.
Check the medicine you are taking
Some drugs may be the cause of your Erectile Dysfunction. It is often triggered as a side effect of certain prescription drugs or some diuretic, heart medicines, blood pressure medicines or sedatives. It is very common in men above the age of 50. In case you see this change suddenly after the intake of any medicine, consult with your doctor.
Limit your alcohol
Alcohol ruins your performance each and every time, and excessive intake may completely leave you inactive in bed. Initially, it acts as a depressant for the nervous system and does not let you get aroused. Over time, it creates hormonal imbalance in the body which leads to Erectile Dysfunction in men. A normal erection is impossible without proper secretion of testosterone.
Lose excess weight
It has often been seen that obesity is the root cause of Erectile Dysfunction. Lack of exercise and lifestyle choices give rise to obesity and ED very often. Try to lose your excess weight and achieve a fit body to help the hormones flow normally in the body.
What are the drugs and treatment options available for Erectile Dysfunction?
Firstly, you must remember that Erectile Dysfunction is a common thing once men start aging and can affect each and everybody. There is nothing to hide about it, and instead, you need to approach a doctor to get the proper diagnosis done. With the right medication, you can return to the height of sexual pleasure again.
There are three common drugs that are administered for the treatment of Erectile Dysfunction, but one should only go for them when directed by a doctor after diagnosing your cause of ED, other underlying diseases and history of drug allergies.
Almost everyone has heard the name of Viagra, but only a few know the actual cause for which it is taken. The medicine called Sildenafil is known worldwide by its brand name, Viagra and is one of the most popular ED drugs given to men. Sildenafil works by improving the flow of blood to the male organ which is very important in the attainment and sustenance of an erection. It starts working in about 30 minutes after it is taken and mixes with the bloodstream. Its effects last for about three to five hours and help to achieve a normal erection during the phase. There may be some side effects of Viagra such as headaches, heartburn and flushed skin in some people. It is available in Vidalista 20mg to Cenforce 100mg doses from a safe generic pharmacy which completely depends on what has been administered by the doctor.
Another popular ED drug given to patients is Vardenafil or Levitra, as it is better known. It is also an alternative to sildenafil because of its longer half-life. It starts acting in about an hour and lasts in the bloodstream for five to eight hours which is slightly longer than the effect of Sildenafil. Thus, it is given at a lower dose than Viagra, and the normal starting dose is usually 10 mg. It has side effects similar to Viagra and should be only taken after medical consultation to avoid severe complications in case of reaction with other drugs like heart medications.
The drug called Tadalafil is known by its brand name Cialis is another drug that performs the same function as Viagra by increasing blood flow to the penis. The only difference with Viagra is that it lasts longer in the bloodstream and gives you more time to enjoy the good times. It remains active in the body for up to 36 hours, and thus a single dose of Cialis is enough to last for a day and a half. There is no need to take it just before sexual activity. Its dose should be taken as prescribed by your doctor to avoid the deadly effects of a drug overdose. Cialis too has similar side effects like Viagra but may also cause muscle pain.
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Erectile dysfunction (ED) is one of serious conditions in recent time among all ages but especially it worsen by aging. ED is persistent inability to attain or maintain an erection sufficient for satisfactory sexual performance.