A Few Things About Healthiness
There are many different factors that go into creating a healthy individual and these factors play a major role in who we are as individuals. When it comes to making the most of our lives we need to look at health as if it were a triad, comprised of three primary facets of our being. Working together with balance and in harmony these three components together produce the best overall health in any individual.
There are many different factors that go into creating a healthy individual and these factors play a major role in who we are as individuals. When it comes to making the most of our lives we need to look at health as if it were a triad,

comprised of three primary facets of our being. Working together with balance and in harmony these three components together produce the best overall health in any individual.
PHYSICAL HEALTH - This is the one that we most frequently look toward because we are beings that are very physical in nature. When we look at the physical body we can very simply measure things to figure out if we are okay physically. We use things like blood tests, urinalysis, and even blood pressure and measure them with devices to come up with quantitative health. Of course, physical health also includes many other facets like sleep, good dietary habits, and exercise just to name a few. Physical health is for many individuals the only aspect of their health that they see.
EMOTIONALITY- Whereas physicality is on the top of the list when it comes to health it is key to understand that emotionality can have an effect on all bodily functions also. Having a sound mind that can be just more important if not more than when you having a healthy physical condition. Many of us, particularly in today's age, find ourselves unhappy and in need of medicine to keep them on a straight path. Other people struggle with behavioral disorders and temper disorders too. These things are vital to manage with therapy and medicine since they add to your overall wellbeing.
SPIRITUALITY- Some of us regard spiritual wellbeing as most important and others regard social wellbeing but giving yourself with things that make you content is a huge part of your general healthiness. Making time whether you pray and meditate or spend time at a party having fun, you need time to keep yourself tranquil and feeling fine. A constructive experience is very significant to who we are as healthy persons.
Health is a multi-faceted thing and the many points of the triad of health should not be overlooked. When looking at your health and wanting to improve it make sure that you consider improving all the aspects of your existence to obtain the highest level of health possible for yourself at this point of your life. You may not be able to be completely healthy but by addressing all these different areas you will be off to an excellent start.