In a Residential treatment center, adolescents are given treatment for the various problems like mental illness, alcohol addiction, to emotional and physical disorders.
In a Residential treatment center,

adolescents are given treatment for the problems they face like mental illness, alcohol addiction, to emotional and physical disorders.
Many states in U.S.A and other parts of the world have different types of residential treatment centers. Different residential treatments include mental health, alcohol and drug. Drug rehabilitation centers help people deal with psychological dependency on drugs such as cocaine, heroin and many prescription pills.
Between 13-18 age group many adolescents go through behavioral change where in they get addicted to drug, do some violent act etc. Many youngsters in Okanagan and Kelowna are mentally disturbed due to behavioral modification.
What is residential treatment center?
- This center is set up for adolescents who go through mental illness, sexual behavioral problems, drug abuse or emotional and physical disorder.
- Various types of treatment centers are lock and unlock. In lock treatment, patients’ movements are limited to single room or cell. In unlocked treatment, patients are given limited freedom.
- The length of stay in these centers range from few months to years. Here the insurance coverage depends on the level of care.
Phases of residential treatment center
In this type of center, adolescents are provided various treatments so that they become normal soon. There are three main stages in this treatment:
1. Initial phase: The foremost thing is to make them ready for the treatment. Some patients may refuse to join however, with the help of family and their peers, patients may be convinced in such a way to join the program.
2. Detoxification: In the addiction treatment program offered by the residential treatment center, the process of detoxification plays the most important role. This treatment removes the impurities, toxins and other residual addictive substances from the body. This treatment is carried out for some days to few weeks, depending on the nature and the extent of the addiction.
3. After care: After the detoxification process, the patients have to go through an extensive aftercare therapy. In order to kill the urge of the patients, the patients are offered with various methods and medications. Patients are also provided counseling through well-trained or professional counselors.
These centers provide sleeping, cooking and bathing facilities for patients. These therapy centers are divided into male and female sections. Some therapy centers offer programs such as art and music therapy to help patients in the healing process.
Adolescents with low self-esteem, inability to mingle with relationships, bad control of emotions and learning disabilities are joined in residential institutions. So, like drug rehabilitation center, the residential treatment center also helps adolescents to recover them from addiction and other bad habits and enable them to start a new life.