A Hearing Test Can Even Help Those in Middle School
A hearing test isn't just appropriate for those who are considered "up in age."
Ms. Jones was a science teacher at a middle school. She loved her job and she loved teaching her students about the different parts of the body. Of course,

they all knew how to locate their body parts. However, she gave them more in depth information. "So, today I'm going to teach you some interesting things about your ears," she told the group of 25. After about 15 minutes she started to talk to the students about some of the things associated with this particular part of the body such as the hearing test. This piqued some of the students' interest. "Ms. Jones, how do you go about actually taking a hearing test," said one of the students. "I think I might need one." The other students laughed. However, one of them was not at all amused. "Actually you might not want to waste your time because my dad took one and the so-called professionals didn't catch some of the issues he had," the disgruntled student blurted out. "Now, he can barely hear anything out of one ear because the stupid device didn't work properly." Ms. Jones decided to intervene. "Well, it's not good to make generalizations based on one bad experience," she told the student. "The test actually has many great benefits." Another student eagerly raised their hand. "Yes, do you have a question?" asked Ms. Jones. "What are some of the benefits because I'm thinking about taking a hearing test myself?" asked the student. The instructor smiled as she realized how much the students had become interested in the subject. "Well, I think the best way to answer that question is by noting how important it is to hear, especially at your age," said Ms. Jones. "Just think about how much you all like talking on the telephone, especially the girls." Most of the girls giggled and the boys nodded in agreement. "It would be very difficult to hear without having properly functioning ears," she continued. "Also, for those of you who play sports, being able to hear is very vital. How else would you be able to hear your coach's instructions or your fellow player calling for the ball?" Another student raised their hand. "So, can you please tell us, how we can go about taking a hearing test?" they asked anxiously. "I'd be glad to tell you, but first I want to reiterate how important this procedure is," she said. This process will allow you to know how well your ears are working. Therefore, it will allow you to get the necessary assistance and hearing loss prevention methods you need to preserve your hearing."